OurTime Reviews

( 99 reviews )
Website: www.OurTime.com

OurTime Customer Reviews

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One star is way too good for OurTime.com
January 16, 2013
What a rip off. Their search parameters and preference filters do not work properly and when I emailed their customer service about it (twice), I got no response. I emailed and complained again and asked for a refund and, once again, no response. DO NOT waste your money or time on this site. They are the worst of the bunch.

Pancho January 17, 2013

yes do not get on this site, its a complete ripoff, when you e mail a girl the dating site answers for her her and you think its the woman your e mailing

A Scam
January 10, 2013
Do I have to give at least one star, they don't even deserve that. It's mostly fake. You get "flirts" from people who won't return an email. Think about it.

Blondie5cool January 24, 2013

I'm trying to unsubscribe and I'm not able to .This is a scam

BUTTERFLY January 29, 2013

I tried to down load more photos and all I get is a tiny group way down in the

corner and a bunch of boxes. Also unable to enlarge the photos.

There id no one to call or email and ask what that problem is.

BUTTERFLY January 29, 2013

The profiles of the men are terrible and would not want to talk to them let alone meet them. I have been on this site for quite a long time and there was only one

man that I was interested in. What a waste of money!

Tom March 08, 2013

our time sucks its a scam

What a Scam
January 9, 2013
I signed up with SeniorPeoplemeet and paid for that dating site, and all of a sudden, I was on ourtime.com. Everything on here is fraudulent and untrue. The profiles of men are terrible, and once you get to email, chat or talk to one, it's all just a pretense of a man. Besides, why are they all from 5.5 to 5.9 and of catholic religion? Before i knew it, I had paid for 6 months plus taqx or whatver fees there are on top, and I want OUT. Ourtime stinks

BuyerBeWare February 06, 2013

SeniorPeoplemeet(dot)COM states that it is part of OurTime(dot)COM, which is part of Match(dot)COM and once they "get you" your profile is shared - but appears you can only correspond with those in the same one as you, otherwise can only view.

RE: "the profile of men are terrible"

Not the sites issue, it is the persons ..and it is the basic natural personality differences between the genders.

I would like to direct your attention to a book by John Grey, first published in 1992.

Happy hunting!

Investigator March 05, 2013

Thanks for the info. It is clear in the OurTime site that they share your info with third parties and there is no way to opt out. From what I've read here and poor experiences with the partner Match.com, I'll keep away from OutTime.

Carol March 16, 2013

There are to many scammers on OurTime.Com. Avoid the Site.

Our Time surprise
January 8, 2013

I was a member of match, and saw the tickler on my match use to click to see "our time". What I didn't know was, as soon as I clicked there, it created a profile for me without my even ok'ing it at all, it just created it, copying my photos, and profile into Our Time. Since I have not joined ourtime, I cannot say I like it or not, but I gave 1 star because they abused my client privilege and my right to CHOOSE to be a member. That's the same as sending you spam without you consenting to receiving email.

Of course, I am not a member, and I can delete my profile. But my point is, I should have been ASKED before they created a profile for me. Just because I look, doesn't mean I am ready to create a profile while I still have an active match account, which incidentally hasn't done to much for me as usual. It's the same old song and dance, they get your money, and there are few reasonable people of the opposite sex to consider anyone short of mr or ms perfect. The more photos they have of themselves, the more likely they are a serial profile poster. Check it next year, they are still here, they never find anyone to meet their excruciating criteria! LOL. Oh, a tip, whenever you join one of these services, ALWAYS pay with Paypal, then as soon as they get their money, go into the transaction receipt and cancel the billing agreement, then they cannot charge you again without your permission. you can't trust them, I was setup to receive a 6 month match guarantee, and it is supposed to be free, yet they ran a transaction through for 1 cent they were testing to see if my billing agreement was still good. be aware of that for match. If you are going to send 5 emails a month and meet the free 6 months, leave billing agreement active, then as soon as it renews for free, CANCEL the subscription at paypal. With our time, I would cancel as soon as they got a cycle payment.

So what else is new!!
January 5, 2013

I too, saw their commercial today. Unlike far too many people who goto the web site and sign up right away, I do my homework first.

I check out the complaints pages and read all the reviews written by people who signed up expecting to find someone they might have a future with, only to discover they've been scammed. I'm not the least bit surprised by what I've read so far. Those who create these sites are experts at putting out enticing ads with lots of flash and glamour.

They're even greater experts at taking your money and holding you at bay when you want to opt out.

I'm 66 now and have come to terms with being single again and have been for almost 12 years. They play upon people's fears of being alone when oft times, it's the best thing for you at that time in your life.

Time to focus your attention on you; your wants, needs and desires. Take up a new hobby, go back to school, find yourself and take time to reconnect with the person you used to be. I'm a firm believer that as long as you leave your heart open to all possibilities, love will always find its way in. You just have to exercise some caution.

So don't let this experience sour you into thinking that you'll never find love again or cause you to, in desperation, to leap before you look when you may have met someone.

Take your time in getting to know each other and, if it's meant to be, you'll know without even having to think about it.

Good luck to all of you.

Susan February 04, 2013

I agree with you. Thanks for posting the words of encouragement.

Not Trustworthy- Be Very Careful
January 4, 2013
I just joined and am already regretting it. As mentioned in some of the other reviews, the site is horrible if not impossible to access after joining. They keep saying the wrong user name or password. Trying to get this issue resolved. If not, cancelling account. Definitely will not renew for another month.

Loyce L January 05, 2013

I joined ourtime dating service it was about $20.00 but i never saw that amount taken out of my account but when i checked my account they had taken out $81.93 . what a big surprise. What ever happened to the joining amount . This is a scam don't waste your time. And to top it off there is no way to get any of your money back. very disappointing.

It's a joke
December 29, 2012
I did my profile,set up everything. Started getting all these emails saying I got flirts. They said I got replies from people I never even inquired to. They trying hard to get me to upgrade. I learned my lesson from Christian Mingle. Some of them dress their profile impress. You can't stop people of the same sex from contacting you.

Lorraine January 01, 2013

Tagged.com is free give it a try..

December 29, 2012
I joined being fully aware that there would need to be some weeding out of contacts and such. What I didn't expect was that the company actually charged me $81.93 for a $12.99 membership. The transaction was declined because I don't keep much money in my checking account. I was a bit surprised since I knew there was enough to cover the 6 month fee that I had agreed to. But, I had no idea they were helping themselves to my account. I apparently am not the only one to have had this issue with them.

Kathy January 04, 2013

They (like most dating sites) are really sneaky regarding how they charge you. It's "in the fine print" that they charge you the entire cost up-front and not on a monthly basis. Of course, you usually don't find that out until you've already signed up.

I always sign up just for one month to see if I like the site, before committing to a longer membership. Even when you sign up for one month, you have to go into "My Account" and disable the automatic renewal feature. Otherwise, they keep charging you every month and you have to get your credit card company or bank to try to help get you out of it.

Also, even after you disable the automatic renewal feature, you have to remind yourself when the "cut-off date" is and make sure you also disable all email notifications by that date. If you reply to any message, flirt, fave etc. after that date, they automatically charge you for another month.

Be very careful people.,

Sandy January 10, 2013

Won't join bad reviews!!!

Don February 12, 2013

the company MATCH.Com was supposed to be a really high class match mking site,not just a dating site. PURE RIPOFF & SCAM

OMG ... What Was I Thinking?
December 26, 2012

I've only been on this site for 3 days, and I'm already regretting it. Fortunately, I only signed up for one month.

They allow people from every State to view your profile, and 99% of the people contacting me live in another State. My in-box has been bombarded with notifications, flirts, likes etc. I have to go in 2 times a day just to clean out the "junk mail". I contacted Customer Service, and they told me they don't have any way to limit viewings to people who live in the State you live in, nor do they have any way to limit viewings to people within a certain mileage of the City you live in. If you want to be "exposed" to everybody in the USA, then fine ... but I don't want this. I never would have signed up if I had known about these limitations. Long distance relationships have never worked for me, and I'm certainly not willing to give it another try in my golden years.

Another problem is that I feel like I'm being cyber-stalked. I often get 5-6 messages from the same person on the same day (and multiple persons on the same day), with each message being "more urgent" than the previous one. It's really weirding me out.

I'm going to keep my profile available for maybe another week, and that's only because I did make 2 possible connections with local members.

Cindy December 30, 2012

Why is the same perverted man appearing at the same time and same frame 2 and 3 times? How can you say these are new when they are the same person. This is a gross misrepresentaion of what you are selling this site to be. I do not intend to remain onthe site

Nora J December 30, 2012

I want to Unsubscribe, All I do not like ( not user Friendly, I don't understand )

I want my money BACK. Nora June Nava.

Kathy January 04, 2013

A quick update:

I was contacted (via message) by and supposed to meet one guy, but he turned out to be a real jerk. He was just looking for a hook-up and thought he was doing me a favor. I'm so glad I never actually met him..

I was contacted (via message) by another guy, and we talked on the phone for about 5-6 hours. He seems very nice and genuine ... you know, looking for a relationship and not just a hook-up. I'll keep you posted.

Kathy February 18, 2013

My final update:

The second guy did a really good job of concealing the fact that he was homeless, unemployed, broke and in debt up to his ears. I dumped him when he started asking me for money.

In my experience, men in the 50+ age group are just as shallow as younger men. They act like they're doing you a favor by contacting you and asking you out. If you're not drop dead gorgeous and rich, they have no use for you.

Mario February 23, 2013

Please DO NOT put all men in garbage category! Not all men are shallow (as you said), Whether the young or older. I'm sorry you had a bad luck with men, But there are still nice and decent guys out there, Regardless of age. It would help, In your case, to have a little more positive outlook on life.

ourtime sux!
December 16, 2012
I have been on your site for weeks now and only people try to contact me are from out of state and most often than not a scam of some sort.Yuo peole should screen people more affectivly ! I will NOT renew my membership!!!!!!!

Kathy January 04, 2013

Yep, they don't screen anybody. The easiest way to handle this situation is to delete the messages from people who live out of State. The best advice I can give is to do your own search where you can set your own search parameters. Also, if it's any consolation, the out-of-State contacts drop off after awhile. You can also block anybody who who feel is harrassing you.

Privacy rights
December 8, 2012
One evening I was checking on my profile to find that another man's profile had been posted under my user name! I mean his picture and all of his personal information on my profile. Do you know what that means? My information must be on another person's profile and I am being represented as who know's who???

Kathy December 26, 2012

That really sucks. I hope you can get it straightened out.

Bad News
November 28, 2012

I just joined and am already regretting it. As mentioned in some of the other reviews, the site is difficult, if not impossible to access after joining. They keep saying the wrong user name or password. Also, I extended my time to six months which I regret and will try to cancel tomorrow.

Nora J December 21, 2012

I joined Our Time using an incorrect e-mail name and cannot get on the site either by using the incorrect (which I tried and tried to correct) nor by my correct e-mail. Since there is no way to telephone to correct this mess, I am completely lost, please help. I cannot afford to pay for two sites, yet am in a bind as two prospects and I have been corresponding. Thank you. Nora

Kathy December 27, 2012

The charge(s) should show up on your credit card statement as:

PM *OurTime.com 888-8922065 TX

Contact your credit card customer servcie department and ask them to call Our Time at 888-892-2056 and stay on the phone with them until this is resolved. I had to do this when I joined Chemistry.com and got charged 2 times instead on one. Good luck.

Kathy December 27, 2012

Ooops ... I meant 888-892-2065

November 25, 2012
I am starting to believe that the only reason these sites want to attract singles is to take their private info and sell it because they sell you everyting else! There is a way for them to make money without promissing you "free subscription" then trying to sell you a monthly fee to be able to connect. But to do that, tey will have to care about how to make a good difference in your life! This kind of business is almost at the same level with being conned out of money. They take advantage of people's lonliness and their desire to connect and then they black mail you with, either you buy a membership or, if not, you can't e-mail the man that "sent you a flirt". You later discover that it was the actual site that sent you that e-mail and that the guy in NY has no idea where Bakersfield is! It is hard to tell someone not to hope but, just be aware of these worms!

Lorraine January 01, 2013

Tagged.com is a free site have to really watch our for the scammers but I have meant a few real good friends there

Don February 12, 2013

Match.com is really the most awful rip off site in the world.. They took over $9000.00 (nine thousand dollars ) of mine and then I couldn't even get a reply back from them DO OT SUBSCRIBE O MATCH.COM

worst site I've seen
November 4, 2012
I was intriqued by some of the polished television ads promoting Our Time as a new alternative for mature singles looking for mates. It has turned out to be the biggest disappointment at all and offers much less than any of the more reputable, more established sites, like match.com and eharmony. The same members are the members that are on the other sites and it is apparent that the site does no screening of members, even prior to sending members a match. Many of the site's members are inactive but OurTime keeps their member profiles in the pool so that it appears to have more active members than it does. There is little diversity in their membership pool. Customer Service is the worst that I have seen and basically sends out form e-mails. If you are considering this site, please don't believe the hype or be pulled in by the glossy advertisements. Try the trial, or if you are really tempted by the phony e-mails they send about your matches, buy the one-month membership at most.

Queenie December 29, 2012

Did you realize that Match actually owns this site?

Kathysouth January 14, 2013

Carol, You are right. It has also been the worst site that I have ever dealt with. I subscribed for six months. ( Should have done my homework) After being charged nearly $80.00, I still have to pay an additional fee if I want to see what the other guy was messaging me. I refused to do so. I am still trying to get a refund. Most of the men look like cons or ex-cons. I do not recommend this site to anyone.

Janice January 19, 2013

If this site won't refund your money go to Better Business Bureau and they will help you. I've had to do this before and it works. Also go to BBB and check out sites before applying.

Ron B February 12, 2013

I am not a member but you are using my profile. Erase it from your webb. I am not interested at all.

Phantom messages
October 31, 2012
I got a message from a "woman" asking me to send her my email address and she would send me more pictures of her. But the system can detect email address and delete your message, then send you a warning. I sent the woman a message then she suddenly disappeared, along with every trace of her. I smelled a rat and was able to cancel my account only to find out that they had registered me with another dating site where I was getting messages that I couldn't see except for sending them more money! Strongly recommend - CANCEL! CANCEL! CANCEL!

help me
October 30, 2012

I cannot get on this site. It says wrong user name or wrong password. I payed for this site and wish i could get on it .Please help me if you care at all for you customers.

JOE November 02, 2012

Try calling seniorpeoplemeet.com for billing?

Kathy December 27, 2012

The charge(s) should show up on your credit card statement as:

PM *OurTime.com 888-8922065 TX

Contact your credit card customer servcie department and ask them to call Our Time at 888-892-2065 and stay on the phone with them until this is resolved. Good luck.

Jan December 27, 2012

I just tried to go to this web site and sign up for free, ha. i was told my email address is already in use. how can that be if i have never been on this site ever. I am so sorry for everyone who got burned on this site. It should be removed. Jan

this site is a scam
October 30, 2012
they get your money and you find yourself unable to access acct. you can't even get through to cancel -keep saying wrong user name or password i changed my card so they can't cont. to charge me for services i'm not receiving DO NOT TRUST THESE PEOPLE||||||

A terrible site
October 16, 2012
Avoid this site like the Black Death. Once someone places you on it, or you select it, you cannot stop it. Their phone number doesn't exist. Just don't do it. Go somewhere else

Furious i October 27, 2012

I have been robbed! I stopped my sub. over a year ago and now I am seeing an automatic charge! The phone number does not exsist, I tried e-mailing my concern, but it won't go through. This is crap that you are charged without your permission and the fact you have not used this site after this long period, they should send you an e-mail asking if you want to continue BEFORE they charge your card.

October 30, 2012

you've been robbed for sure along with many others wish i knew a way to shut them down we all need to file complaints with our better business bureaus at least

Kathy January 04, 2013

The charge(s) should show up on your credit card statement as:

PM *OurTime.com 888-8922065 TX

Contact your credit card customer service department and ask them to call Our Time at 888-892-2065 and stay on the phone with them until this is resolved. I had to do this when I joined Chemistry.com and got charged 2 times instead of one. Good luck.

October 6, 2012

I was registered with Match.com and have cancelled by account.

I am also trying to cancel out of OurTime.com. Please cancel my profile I do not have an account number other than what I signed into


Violet g October 12, 2012

please cxl me out of outtimes.com

CoolNancyRose October 24, 2012

Please cancel me out of OurTime.com

Charlotte October 30, 2012


Lee November 27, 2012

I have their phone number.


Cat January 24, 2013

Wow, I wish I didn't give them my e-mail to ask questions. Nothing is stated about what is offered for what. Then I saw this. It would be nice to have a news station person check it out and report their findings.