StopWatt Reviews

( 18 reviews )

StopWatt Review: Legit or Scam?

Reviewopedia staff  -  Updated:  August 29, 2023


The StopWatt is a small electrical device claimed by the seller to reduce energy use and help save you money on your electricity bill.

Below we take a closer look at StopWatt.

We look at how products of this type are claimed to work, point out red flags regarding the seller, and see what real customers are saying.

StopWatt seller claims

These kinds of "energy saving" devices have been marketed for a few years now, and the sellers make a number of seemingly "too good to be true" claims, such as promising customers "up to 47% savings off their power bill."

The ads for StopWatt use a lot of technical language, show graphs of electric currents, and try to get you to believe that they are a truly innovative tech company selling a useful product.

They purposely use vague language that makes unsuspecting readers believe they need the StopWatt to protect them from "dirty electricity", save their appliances from potential electrical damage, and lower their electricity bills.

Most people would have no way of knowing if these devices are actually doing anything at all, as electricity use tends to fluctuate seasonally. 

Other claims made by the seller regarding the StopWatt (such as filtering of "dirty electricity" ) are difficult to either prove or disprove by the average user.

How is StopWatt claimed to work?

At its core, the promotional language for StopWatt takes real electrical engineering terms out of context and applies them to a residential scenario, where they are usually not applicable.

For instance, they claim “On The Spot Reactive Power Compensation.”

Without getting too technical, your home’s electrical system has two types of power, real power and reactive power.

  • Real (working) power  -  the power that is producing work and is measured in watts, and by a residential power meter in kilowatt hours (kWh).


  • Reactive Power  -  does not produce work but is necessary in inductive loads and oscillates between the source and the load.  It's measured in volt-amperes reactive (VARs).


The total power is the combination of these two types of power.

Due to the nature of reactive power it can sometimes put excess demands on the power grid.  For this reason power companies charge their commercial clients fees for reactive power.

These fees encourage heavy users like manufacturing plants to pursue methods of reactive power compensation which can include installing capacitor banks.

This is also referred to as power factor correction, another electrical engineering concept that is sometimes referenced by sellers of devices like the StopWatt.

Essentially, StopWatt is claimed to do this at a residential level.

What's misleading, however, is that residential clients are not charged for reactive power.  You are only billed for the kwh that you use.

So even if the StopWatt did work as claimed, it would have no bearing on your electric bill as a typical residential consumer.

Many power companies have issued statements addressing these types of devices, stating that nothing that you plug into your outlet will lower your power bill.

StopWatt red flags

Aside from dubious claims and misleading advertising, we’ve identified some other concerns regarding the seller.

  1. No physical address  -  When we searched for the seller's address the result is a UPS store.

  2. Reseller product  -  Far from what the StopWatt seller claims, this is not a new or innovative tech product, and certainly has no association with Elon Musk.

    These types devices are sold wholesale for a fraction of the price of the StopWatt.  The seller simply rebrands the product with their name and resells it at an inflated price.

    Generic Energy Saving Device identical to the StopWatt

    ( Generic energy saving box found on identical to the StopWatt, priced much lower )

  3. New version of an old scam  -  We've reviewed nearly identical products to the StopWatt under names such as Pro Power Save and MiracleWatt, both of which have terrible customer reviews.

    These other products used the same types of ads as the StopWatt, and are probably sold be the same seller.

    Ad with product identical to the StopWatt Ad with product identical to the StopWatt

    ( Identical ad to the StopWatt with a changed name, likely due to too many negative customer reviews )

Customer service lists a phone number of (877) 636-6738 and an email address of [email protected].  

Some customers have claimed that they only respond to emails.

The website states there is a refund policy of 90 days.  However, you will need to reach out to the company for further instructions to initiate the refund. 

Customer reviews & complaints

We found negative customer reviews regarding StopWatt, with customers complaining of: 

  • Being overbilled
  • Having difficulty reaching customer service
  • Product simply not working

Based on the history of these types of products, a large number of customer complaints are to be expected.

The bottom line

We do not recommend purchasing the StopWatt or any other type of “electricity bill saving" box online.

Many electricians, engineers, and other experts have left reviews on Reviewopedia attesting to the implausibility of these devices doing anything useful.

Furthermore, there are hundreds of reviews from real customers who’ve purchased devices like the StopWatt and have seen no reduction in their electric bills.

Finally, the seller purposely hides their location and makes contacting them a chore in order to avoid issuing refunds.  

If you have any experience with the StopWatt, please leave your reviews below.

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StopWatt Customer Reviews

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Waste of money
May 17, 2024
Absolute scam. Hasn't even made a dollar saving on my bill in the months that I have had it.

It works.
April 26, 2024
This simple little device has reliably reduced my electric bill every month by $100 to $200. I had reduced my heat to 62° to remain within an amount I could pay. It's back up to 64°. I just set my neighbors up with another unit.

Never Buy
April 20, 2024

Please save your money, these devises are a joke!!

Used for over three months and they said it take about 8 weeks to show results. BS

Doesn't Work. That's the bottom line!
April 13, 2024
We ordered one and tried it for 30 days and it did NOT save us money.

Spam Advertising
March 19, 2024
As other reviews have pointed out this type of device does nothing. I merely wanted to point out that the company that makes it also uses illegal means to advertise its product since it violates the Can Spam Act to send its advertisements to people via email. I have received them on all my email addresses and under all 3 of the different names mentioned in this article.

don't buy it
February 23, 2024

it's a scam. I bought 4, didn't save me any money like it says it would.

Waste of hard earned $
February 3, 2024

Don’t waste your money on it-my electricity bills are as high as they ever were...

February 2, 2024

I've used TWO StopWatts in my 1,250 sq' ft' home for two years and have not seen ANY reduction in my electric usage or bill.

I received a full refund from StopWatt
December 31, 2023

I bought 3 for $109.92 (amount on my recept) and 3 months later my electric bill was higher then before I plugged them in. I emailed and they offered me a refund of $61.74 and I don't have to mail them back. I asked for the RMA# to return them. Then, they offered me $92.61 and I could keep them. I said I wanted a full refund "Why should I lose money because you sold me something that doesn't work?". I didn't receive an email reply. Then, I remembered that I charged them on the Bank of America credit card. I found the charge on the credit card statement and found that the total charged wasn't $109.92 but $133.44. I contested the charge through Bank of America. I received the $110.00 refund from StopWatt and later received the balance of $23.44 from Bank of America.

Last evening I was at a small party and I mentioned StopWatt. A man mentioned that he had a StopWatt and his electric bill was now half of what it was before he used them. The only difference from how each of us used StopWatt is that he plugged it in next to his breaker box and I didn't have a unit near the breaker box.

Does the unit really work? I think I might try it again.

TomGrbich May 17, 2024

Mine is in the breaker box - didn't make one WHIT of a difference!!

SCAM alert! This company is dishonest.
December 23, 2023
On September 8, 2023 when I ordered three devices which the company charged me $133 for; I paid the amount, but have never received the merchandise. Apparently it is a total SCAM!!! I recommend you not order from this company.

December 8, 2023

I bought for quite a while. I may be using it wrong, but no change in my bills whatsoever.

Open to suggestions. and change my review.

BobPatterson December 12, 2023

Agree after 3 months billing. Total failure. Billing cost was above agreement. This is a scam.

LeeHyatt December 13, 2023

I bought 2 of these, have had for 3 mo. No change in electricity bill. THIS IS A SCAM. I am out $80, would have been nice, but it does nothing. would love to get a hold of these people... Lee Hyatt

Steve December 19, 2023

I just purchased and already want to return for full refund. Why? The company lied about Elon and the lady who died from her electric shut off whom worked for Tesla. Finally, never explains the science of how it works so the end results saves you $

Product Does Not Work
December 6, 2023

I gave the lowest star I could give, if I could have left it blank I would have because they do not deserve even a one star. Do not buy this. This product is a total scam. It does not work. I called the number to get a full refund and got a real smart aleck named ashley and she was so cunning and rude that I got upset and she hung up on me. Please do yourself a favor and don't buy this product.

No reduction in my cost.
November 21, 2023

If there was a lower rating than 1 star, I would use it but there isn't a lower rating. This is total bull. I bought 3 as a package and I have not noticed ANY lowering of my power bill. If I had a significant reduction in my bill I would sing the praises of StopWatt.

Caveat emptor / Buyer Beware
November 14, 2023

Save your money! With the basic knowledge of energy and electricity would tell you that this is a total scam! Remember, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Plus..... A fool & his money shall soon part!

If you really want to save on your electric bill.......turn the lights off when leaving the room. That is guaranteed to save you more than any 'gadget such as this thing.


SCAM. Don't fall for it.
November 14, 2023
Just walk away. Purchased device and followed guidance specifically. Monitored usage and bill for a couple of months and zero savings on energy or money. Customer service is terrible and I'll just leave it at that. This is a SCAM. Don't fall for it.

Basic bull that cannot be true
November 4, 2023

The basics of electrical output and input makes this device impossible. Power in , power out ,

As the first law of energy states

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This means that you can’t make energy out of nothing— the total amount of energy in the universe is a constant.

Deb February 28, 2024

purchased 2 for my 1900 square foot home to see if it was a scam. Stopwatt instructions were to place one by the electical box meter which I did. The other second floor right above on the outlet our fridge shares. The first moth was a partial month we saw 44 and change less on our bill. The second month 93.00 reduced without running around and shutting things off like Stopwatt recommended. This was 6 months ago. We have surges in our home previously light bulbs blow in our kitchen. We contacted the power company to check this out and they denied it was from surges. Well our bulbs are lasting fine now and our fridge no longer makes weird noises and runs quiet. The price of kilowatt has even gone up and still saving! I am buying a few for my business (small) next!

TomGrbich May 17, 2024

Call me - you can have mine for half price LOL.

Toal SCAM!!!
October 19, 2023

I purchased 2 Stopwatt units and plugged them in. No change in my electric usage in 3 months of use. Now I may be beyond the return window. Their literature says you need to use them "for a few weeks" before making a judgment. Total scam...

It's Only A Night Light
October 14, 2023
It is a scam. My landlord bought one and put it in one of his empty homes. With only a couple ceiling fans 6 lamps on and a tv running at all times. One month's electric bill was $21.95 without the devise. The second month with the devise was $21.98. I guess it was 3 cents higher because of the green night light it gives off. There is you answer! It is a SCAM!!!

NottaFool. November 14, 2023

Save your money!

Like the saying goes; If it sounds too good to be true, it IS!

Also remember...........


With just the basic knowledge of electricity and energy should tell you that this is a total SCAM!

(and that's a guarantee that you can believe in)

Bill December 29, 2023

Great site!!! Saved me the mistake of trusting this company.