Natural Health Response Reviews
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Natural Health Response Customer Reviews
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Disreputable Company out to Scam with Promise they don’t keep
I signed up for a trial subscription with the understanding that I could cancel at any time. I find the information useless and have tried to cancel more than once. I am ignored. They have charged me for a subscription that I don’t use.
I have put the charges in dispute with my credit card company. The charges are now blocked.
I would give them 0 stars or even negative ones if you had this option.
They all should be put in jail.
They all should be put in jail.
I have filed with the Attorney General
SCAM beware of auto charge of your credit card on file...
Got a letter today that they will be using my credit card info on file to charge me for a auto renew subscription... HOW DARE THEY... The web site does not work in the news letter Cannot even find it in a search....SCAMMERS....
This pisses me off.... How DARE THEY charge my card without permission.
Will call today...
Natural Health Response
I agree these people are the worst type of low life's they prey on people that are in desperate situations. Just imagine the poor family whose baby has been given a diagnosis of life taking cancer. Prison is too good for scumbags like this.
Praying on a person's pain an anguish over a loved ones cancer situation is the lowest of scumbags the human race has to offer. They should be stripped of all assets an given to medical research, and then put in jail for the rest of their lives.....sorry excuses of human beings....
Nice Try !!!
I sat thru the entire sales video ,just for cheap entertainment, And I must say , The Con Artists that made this are VERY smart and VERY talented, to create such a great show...I bet a LOT of fools fell for it !
Nice Try, Boys! Better Luck Next time....
Who is putting out this review?
What is this payment for
PSV*Natural Health Res.
Having listened to their Pseudoscience sales babble for the best part of an hour and agreeing to a refundable introductory fee I waited. No product arrived, ever.Within ten days I was further billed $378.18NZ a sum I cannot afford and never OK'd,all supposedly refundable, but like others before me they are not to be found, refuse to acknowledge any request
I will now be handing this over to the POLICE.
I only tick one star to make the page accept.
natural health response
Try phone number 844 373 5825 worked today.
Not a Good Investment
I was getting ready for a long trip and I needed some reading material. I ordered the books and they contained some interesting information, but they weren't worth $49.00.
As for the "subscription," it involves at least a couple emails a day. They contain very long winded sales pitches with very little useful information. In the end, there is a link to buy some supplement.
I found the articles to be totally useless, so they now go directly to my spam folder.
Don't get sucked in. Save your money.
Natural Health Response response
I too watched the type 2 diabetic presentation till almost to the end and think that they make too outrageous claims. The Tibetan silk fruit I could not find on the internet to cure the decease. I believe the whole thing is a hoax.
Active Forskolin*Not 14 days before charged 80.00
I went to Amazon and ordered 100% Pure Forskolin 2000mg Per Caps - 180 capsules [Nom-GMO
Saw the Sales Pitch
I have not tried the service, did not buy anything, all I did was sit through that time-consuming video. In fact, about two years ago I had sat through the same kind of video from the same kind of people, I don't remember if they had the same name as they do now.
The video tells you that it's going to give you access to a book for FREE, and it stresses this. It spends a whopping probably 30+ minutes telling you about all the health secrets and cures to be found in the book. Continues to soothe your wariness of a possible scam by throwing around the word free like candy to the point where you can't help but stay and finish the video. I'm a smart guy, so I was expecting a sales pitch near the end like those webinar things are doing now on YouTube. That is what I got.
The video begins to fear-monger in the middle even though what it's saying is mostly true, but combined with the repetition of its "secret cures" rhetoric it creates a sense of desperation in the viewer to get to the end-.. to get that SWEET FREE book. Then it happens, the sales pitch, I'll paraphrase. 'This book and life-saving information can be available to you and your family if you donate a bit of money to us for the printing and distribution costs.' THEN SOON AFTER it says that you will get the information and book if you subscribe to their monthly magazine or whatever. Flip flops around like a fish and IT STILL DROPS THE WORD FREE LIKE CANDY even after it is becoming increasingly evident that the book and information is NOT free. Then they change it up and start talking about it being "risk-free" and "completely refundable if you're not satisfied, and you get to keep the free gifts." The free gifts are the book they pitched you in the beginning AND the two other books they pitch you at the end(which come out of nowhere as they were never mentioned before) to sweeten the deal. Then they FINALLY after finishing that video where they play with your mind AND possibly your emotions if you suffer from ailments, give you a button at the bottom which directs you to a page in which you can order the subscription, one year for 49.00 dollars and two for 89 dollars, of course the say this is a drop in price from their original only for a limited time. ON TOP OF THAT ALL, THERE IS A TIMER AT THE TOP OF THE ORDER PAGE URGING YOU TO BUY IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, GIVING YOU A WHOPPING 14 MINUTES TO MAKE A CHOICE!
At this point a smart man knows this is a fraud or at least highly suspects it. The top of the page offers a customer service number which I called after doing some digging around the internet on this so-called "Natural Health Response." There seems to be a cover up of anything negative being said about said company, I found good reviews of the company, but something in my intuition told me these were reviews paid for or written by somebody with an interest in "Natural Health Response." I didn't stop there and sought out negative reviews and I found them, people saying they'd been conned out of their money by these immoral fraudsters, banking off the fear of the sick and weak, when they find no hope in anybody or anything, so they end up paying for anything that seems to work or claims to. It is criminal and I dare say if these folks do not repent they should burn in hell. Taking advantage of the fear of disease for profit is one of the most disgusting and sick things a human being can do to another. This company is also known as Laissez-Faire Books, avoid them at all costs, I tell you this from what I've seen, not from experience because I do not want to be scammed.
Thank you, best wishes for anybody reading this.
Your comments have value to anyone who engages the internet for understanding and actionable counsel. You state: "It is criminal and I dare say if these folks do not repent they should burn in hell. Taking advantage of the fear of disease for profit is one of the most disgusting and sick things a human being can do to another." This is exactly what oncologists do every day as they advance protocols and earn profit from "chemo-so-called-therapies". Your cautions are valid and should be considered, but I hold certain truths to be self-evident, and among them is western medicine is established upon obscene profits paid by a system of underwriting via insurance to launder monthly extortion payments. The love of money is the root of all evil.
How to stop them from charging you.
Fraudulently Charged Credit Card, Won't Respond to Email or Call
I agree with Jerry. Natural Health Response is a horrible scam!!
I have the same experience. Once they get your details, they refuse to answer your calls or emails.
But they sent me a letter to inform me that they will automatically renew annual subscriptions.
All the materials that they sent are craps!!
I guess at that point all you can do is close that credit card account and open a new account then they wont have valid info anymore and can no longer charge you. Looks like I might have to do the same after trying cancellation and maybe filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau and whatever appropriate authorities. Maybe we can get them shut down. Now that I think of it I remember in their internet sales pitch they urge us to order now because they expect to be shut down soon. Isn't that something? They tell us right up front that they are expecting to be shut down and we fall for it anyway. I tried to go to their website and my Malwarebytes software blocked it due to fraud.
Those looking for more natural ways to help our body and get to root cause of health issue is becoming mainstream- because nothing is fixed today/ just a band aid aka pharmaceuticals.
Just researching this information- for starters- sugar is bad. 100 percent true! It is considered poison. Everything this doctor said about diet changes that happened years ago, meat bad, cheese, butter bad- use margarine and cholesterol meds- my parents trusted.
While changing diets, on cholesterol meds, blood pressure meds- both had massive heart attacks. I think people look for an easy fix. If we truly want change we have to make lifestyle changes.
I felt nothing offered in video was not true on my research to making best lifestyle changes. I no longer trust medication because it is FDA approved. For starters- there are endless tv ads from lawyers suing fda or drug companies for death or damages. They even lied about food pyramid.
I think as a whole- humanity is starting to turn away from so much medication and get to the core of the problem and through healthy lifestyle, better diets, less sugar and supplements to find their true wellness that must include mind, body and spirit.
I find it disturbing that people attack the messenger- the company discussed here. This type of info is everywhere so are we going to attack anything we don’t like. More cancel culture. I remember my dear dad refused vitamins and supplements because they were not fda approved. I had to break it to him- Dad, the fda does not approve any vitamins or supplements. Products that support our bodies. That says something.
Seriously, I am not connected to this company at all. I watched video and it’s inspiring. And none of it is untrue if one researched and hint- don’t get your info from FDA. I just lost a dog 8 years old from FDA approved flea meds. If you dig in on stuff you will often find thousands who went through similar and are screaming to be heard by FDA.
The truth is - there is no easy fix or pill. Research and make the necessary lifestyle changes to improve the wellness of your body. Otherwise it’s the hamster wheel of prescriptions that mask symptoms often but never cure. To attack and report is silly. If it is not for you, move on. Humanity is changing and number one thing is be responsible for your body.
Research and make changes. For example I just stopped putting regular sugar in my coffee. Sugar is bad. See, little steps of positive changes. If this info was not a fit, it does not mean it’s a scam. Love and wellness to all.