MiracleWatt Reviews
MiracleWatt Customer Reviews
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But you absolutely got to plug it into the outlet closest to the power meter box!
I don't believe this at all...
Fake review
Have tried similar products such as this, none have worked to this date and they're are all scams
Scam - Pure Nonsense. Current version of a perpetual motion machine.
The device(s) powered still consumes the same electricity to do the same work. There is no magic.
What’s the difference?
This is bogus!
It doesn't work
Bought to 3 months ago when my bill was $500 a month three months later my bill is now $760.
YOU NEED TO TALK TO YOUR POWER COMPANY. As them if you have an old meter that doesn't deal with power factor.
I've been using Miracle Watt for over 5 months and have not seen any benefit.
Of course not
The phone number!!!
i would like to know how do I get in touch with these people I ordered one and they sent two, I want to send one back and get my refund...
My bill increased and my power was not affected.
I purchased 2 of them to try here was my experience.
I looked at my electricity with a oscilloscope and could see "dirty electric" The sine wave was distorted and there were spikes on both sides of the 0 line. I let them run for 88 days so I had 3 electric bills during that period, each bill was larger than the last. The ad said it would take several months for the full effect of them would be reached. I put the scope on my electric before I took them out and the power was just the same as it looked before I installed them! My opinion is they don't work at best any may increase the bill at worst.
Maybe shoulda put down the oscilloscope connectors for 10 minutes and research for real reviews of this device first instead of supporting their scam just a little longer but buying it,
Okay Rach. To do a review of any real value you need to have the product to substantiate or debunk marketing claims. Doing the science means more than just rendering an opinion based only on observation. If someone is willing to spend the 60 bucks to do this, at least part of the investigation needed, why criticize them for it?I would like an electrical engineer to take it a few steps further and open one of these devices up to see what is really inside it. Is there anything in it that could possibly or even remotely do what the marketer says it does. Now most of us see something like this and quickly determine that, on face value alone, there is no way any device plugged into a single outlet in your home could affect all of the flow of electricity in your home other than to draw more usage. Now if this was a robust device that was installed between the homes electrical meter and the main power supply, maybe there could be some legitimacy to it. But such a device could not be installed safely by your typical home owner and then an electrician would have to have the power company shut off power to the meter in order to safely install such a device. So most people would not do a knee-jerk purchase of the device.So buyer beware of any claims made by anyone that a little piece of plastic with an led light plugged into an outlet in your home will do anything short of providing you with another little green light in one of your outlets.Oh by the way Rach, I have a device that you can attach to any faucet inside or outside your home that will not only purify all of the water in your home but it will also reduce your water bill by 50%. It accomplishes this by reducing the overall weight of the water coming into your home. Most of the water coming into homes is so laden down with impurities that it takes on average of twice the amount of water and water pressure to move it throughout your home thus wasting a lot of water and more than doubling your water bill. The technology is based on the hydrodynamics of Daniel Bernoulli FRS - considered to be the Father of hydrodynamics. The technology behind this patented device has been buried for years in the US patent office due to industrywide technology suppression and has only just recently been released for public use. So I advise you and anyone else reading this to get at least one of these units (2 are required for homes over 1100 sq.ft.) and start saving now! For a limited time I can offer you this device (limit one per shipping address) for FREE. Just pay the shipping cost (average of $53.99 in the contiguous US) and it is yours - absolutely free! I am even offering a FREE - 1YEAR limited warranty! So there is no risk at all! GET YOURS NOW and start SAVING TODAY!
I am a retired Electrical Engineer with a Masters Degree and a Professional Engineering License. Send me one and I will take it apart and provide an engineering report pro-bono.
Bernoulli's equation applies to fluid dynamics not electricity. Electricity is not a Newtonian fluid.
I'm a 90 year-old retired physicist. Surely someone has opened one of these devices to see what's inside. I would guess that if nothing, then perhaps a single capacitor. Who knows? Please respond and we will give you the answer.
I have read several reviews looking for one that reports on what's inside these MRACLE devices.
Technical info you need to know
I am not a customer so maybe this will never be released, but I have significant electrical experience..... and it is important to know the following.
What this product is reporting to do is called Power Factor Correction (getting current & voltage waves in synch - see their waveform graph): Google 'power factor correction' but be prepared for some way to deep in-depth info. Better yet call your electric company & ask if their electric meters are affected by it; some are, some aren't.
If your meter does not measure the impact of power factor, then how can this save you money?? Sure they say they clean 'dirty' electric power. Maybe they do, but do you get charged for dirty electric power?? Probably not; so no savings there!
Bottom line: Call your electric company & see what they say. Maybe your electric meter measures KVA (includes power factor) instead of KW (does not include power factor). Then decide.
It would depend on how reactive your load is in your house. If you are running a bunch of motors all the time the a unity power factor should pull less power, If your power primarily is consumed in heating water and food, which are resistive loads, then your current is probably already in phase with the voltage. The device would have to be able to sense power factor and insert some capacitive reactance to bring the power factor back to unity. I don't see how a device that costs only 59 bucks could have that technology.
Now-a -days there are few truly resistive loads left in a house - like electric heat or stove. Inductive loads contain a coil of wire (motors, radios, various electronics). Some LED bulbs are actually slightly capacitive. Inductive loads
All good comments, especially the one about the electric meter. Very old meters don't take power factor into account.
The Real Miracle is Magic
Read how they say this device works and it is obvious that it is a scam. They say all you need to do is plug it into the closest outlet to your breaker box and in a couple of weeks it will cover your whole house in saving electric. REALLY?? For this to happen, it would be a true miracle (read magic).
Think about it, how can it intercept all the electric from all your circuits from being plugged into one outlet on one circuit? My best guess is that through magic it sets up an evil empire and over two weeks takes over and diverts all your power through that one outlet. It needs to be evil magic to overcome the laws of physics.
If the device did work in cleaning power, to cover your whole house you would need one device on each circuit. For my house that would be well over $1,000 in 50% discounted devices. Or maybe install one before the breaker box (need an electrician for that, not cheap) and can the device handle all those amps without either failing (oops lights out call the electrician again) or starting a fire and burning my house down.
I think I’ll forgo this miracle watt thing.
I think it has something to do with UFO's. I have seen several and maybe the results reported in these reviews are influenced by the local UFO population.
what a sweet little thing
There is absolutely no way you saved $48 dollars in two weeks. Do the math. Over four weeks you're going to tell us you saved $96 and your bill and it was only $4 this month. Quit pushing a scam product.
TJ is on point!!! Hahahahahaha
agree haha
I agree with you. We have 2600 sq ft house.. we bought 2 to try this and we have decreased our electric bill (comparing year over year). By almost 40%. Coincidental? Last year we traveled the past two months using minimal electricity, and yet b this year we are in the house running TV’s, higher heat, ect and bill is still 40% cheaper.. (when cost per khw is higher..)So voodoo? Not in my case, it’s staying in the socket…
I’ve already recovered my 99.00 investment..
you are full of it too
"Sweet little thing.." This, for those who don't recognize it, it's typical chinese-to-english speak. Check Chinese online sites and you'll see all sorts of these phrases (" lovely device", "will make you feel loved", etc,) to all sorts of inanimate contraptions from musical instruments to appliances. It's obviously someone from the Chinese manufacturer trying to obfuscate the truth. They know the words; they don't know how we use them.
Total scam
I had this product for over a year, marketed under the name Technical parameter. Does nothing, in fact my bills were almost $400.00 the last couple of months.
Sure wish I had looked at the reviews before buying. It actually cost you money by using electricity.
Total scam
might be that you purchased another product , as this sweet little thing just in less then 2 weeks reduced my bill by half
love it and highly recommend it !
Boy Oh Boy…”Codamo”, that sweet little thing is just a sweet little scam! Devices like this come around every few years and they never do much, if anything really useful - except reduce noise heard from cheap radios. As a retired electrical engineer with 50 years of practical experience I can say BULL DINKY! You get MUCH greater savings by lowering the temperature setting by a couple of degrees in the winter and increasing the settings by a couple of degrees in the summer.
"Sweet little thing.." This, for those who don't recognize it, this is typical chinese-to-english speak. Check Chinese online sites and you'll see all sorts of these phrases (" lovely device", "will make you feel loved", etc,) to all sorts of inanimate contraptions from musical instruments to appliances. It's obviously someone from the Chinese manufacturer trying to obfuscate the truth. They know the words; they don't know how we use them.
Not worth it
just purchased this sweet little thing and in less then 2 weeks it has cut my bill by half ...so glad to have taken the chance on it !
Does Not Work!!
just purchase this sweet little thing took a chance on it and so so happy that in less then 2 weeks it has cut my electric bill in half, and that is awesome as have been using a electric heater for a few hours in the morning which should have made my bill higher for sure not cut in half ! highly recommend this "miraclewatt"
make sure your getting the right product not a knock off with a different name !
Not a knock off with a different name !Made by the same company for a different seller.
"Sweet little thing.." This, for those who don't recognize it, it's typical chinese-to-english speak. Check Chinese online sites and you'll see all sorts of these phrases (" lovely device", "will make you feel loved", etc,) to all sorts of inanimate contraptions from musical instruments to appliances. It's obviously someone from the Chinese manufacturer trying to obfuscate the truth. They know the words; they don't know how we use them.
Do your Homework!
For the life of me, I cannot understand how intelligent individuals fall for these scams!
Dig deep and search for legitimate reviews and do not fall for the “ mumbo jumbo “ explanations of how these devices function. The only glowing, five star reviews you will find are the fake ones found only on the website of the actual product. Be smart. Be your own advocate and use common sense. You will save yourself money and aggravation.
Not a review but a Thank You to Reviewopedia, etc.
We should all be thankful to the people who run operations like BBB, Reviewopedia, and Google so that you can go on Google, or any good search engine, and ask the simple question, "Is this product a scam?"
When I did that I simply read the information I was given which gave clear and LOGICAL reasons why there is a high probability this product is not only basically a scam but probably a TOTAL scam because of a virtual home address, lack of verifiable satisfied customers, and similar RED flags that say don't buy but run instead.
The bottom line is simply this: If you want to know what you need to know about any product, with little effort you can find that information. And don't forget that wise old adage, "If it sounds too good to be true - It probably is.
Thank you very much for your work to protect the consumer. When in doubt I check you out!
Just turn off your lights when not using and unplug
Unplugging appliances only saves money if there is a parasitic draw, such as the rapid start function on older TVs, or an always on LED (they use very little power and unplugging those devices probably would not save any appreciable amount of power.)
Poop Poopa Doop! Yet another company sucking $$$ from poor souls trying to save.
This equipment does SQUAT!
I hope that person wasn't taken in by such an obvious scam! It is very similar to all the miracle cures offered with a strikingly similar formula. It starts with some one that was close to death when they found some Indian guru that made them some kind of tea that completely cured him of type 2 diabetes. After a lot of back and forth, they always find a way to produce it in the USA. Though it "should" be worth $300, they find a way to sell you a bottle for $49. It always seems to come out to that price, no matter what incurable disease. Will we ever learn?
I do buy from an Indian market the bitter melon powder. I mix it with water and my blood glucose goes down to normal levels in an hour or less. So the Indian guru in my case works with his tea. Those crooks that you are referring to just take advantage of peoples situations instead of telling them to do what I do.
Gregorio- You probably have a "My Pillow" in the house.
Beware the word Miracle
I've never tried this product. But the website set off a bunch of red flags. Suspicions arose and that's why I'm here.
My electric bill is mild in the summer about $42.00 and that includes using two AC units by the way uses little electric, when it's hot and in winter about $200.00 using baseboard heaters along with a portable 110 ceramic heater to keep my feet warm.
In all my life, I've never heard of a device that would save on the electric bill. How could it? It doesn't add electricity for free. And since when did the electric become dirty and need to be cleaned?
I use Alexa and have wall plug adapters that unplug my devices when I request it such as a fan. This also includes my Singled LED lights that use so little.
I did buy an air fryer and that is a huge time saver along with less electric use. No more oven for me. Still use the stove top when needed.
Hot water heater is efficient, though the dishwasher did increase my cost by $2.00 for the heat drying process. But not used that often as washing by hand and using a drying rack is sufficient. I don't own a dryer but the small washing machine and a drying rack works well for a single person like me.
Turn off lights when not needed, use LED bulbs, upgrade to more efficient small cooking devices, Turn off everything not needed when you leave the home. Unplug unused devices such as a rice cooker.
Wear thicker clothing in winter and reduce the heat. Close doors to rooms that are not used during the day along with the heat source in winter.
Close drapes in summer to any direct sunlight as this will heat a room very quickly and reduce efficiency to the AC.
If you have to replace an old worn out device such as a window AC or oscillating fan for your home before it fails, buy in off season for better prices.
You are the one in control of your own budget, spending, paying bills, etc. Pay bills right away when you can and see what's left over. If you don't have enough for other things such as food or gas, you better rethink your spending and cut out the luxuries and skipping bills to make ends meet. That kind of budgeting doesn't work. It never does and don't spend more than you have by using credit cards. You will end up in more debt before the sun comes up.
I don't make much, but what I do make, I've been able to live comfortably and don't buy things that I can't afford.
If you don't have a savings that you can spend when the occasion arises or is needed, then you don't have extra money to spend. Period.
This commenter has some wise things to say. As an electrician of over 30 years and a computer and electronics expert, I do want to add a correction. “Dirty power” or “Electricity pollution” is definitely real. It is an umbrella term used for many abnormalities in electricity. Dirty power which could result in disruptions are things like transient voltage, harmonics, frequency variations, and/or power sags.
It’s important to note that most of these issues are originated on the user side, not the utility side.
I worked for a very prestigious childrens hospital for over a decade. In the operating room, there is very sensitive equipment that doesn’t play well with “dirty power”. We would install small plug in devices in the room that cleaned the sine wave up for these nifty gadgets. These were NOT something like the MiracleWatt, just to be clear.
Look to your electrical contractor for legitimate solutions to dirty power. They might install, active filters, compensators or capacitor banks. As I said, the term is an umbrella for many problems and the solutions may be specific to what is actually happening in your home.
And, listen to the advice the commenter to whom I’m replying has to offer….it’s pretty wise stuff.
MiracleWatt? More like “What Miracle?”
Do your research before making a purchase online.
I worked in the Electronics business both in Military and Civilian jobs. We used equipment to regulate and filter the electricity in large computer rooms. This type of equipment uses electricity to clean the EMF, what they call "Dirty" electricity, to protect the computer equipment.
This miniature device they are selling does little of what they are proclaiming to do and does absolutely nothing to reduce the amount of current (electricity) the equipment in your house uses.
The only way you can save on the amount of current you use is to use your equipment and or appliances less or unplug them when they are not in use.
Here are some suggestions on saving money on your electric bill:
Purchase an Air Fryer and quit using your big stove oven. It takes less time to cook in the Air Fryer than it does in the Oven and uses about 1/3 of the electricity.
Reset the thermostat on your Electric Water Heater to a lower temperature. Set your AC at 78 degrees from 7am to 10pm and at 68 from 10pm to 7am. This will save a lot of electrical energy.
Either unplug anything when it is not in use or install local on/off switches so the equipment can be disconnected from the electrical grid when not in use. If you do all of these things, you will reduce your electric bill quite a bit.
Also, see if your electric provider can help you with a means to reduce your electrical usage. There are a lot of so-called companies selling junk in America that are made in foreign countries that have nothing more than a Virtual office here in the US. "Let the buyer Beware"!
Good writing & great thinking!
Difficult To Return
Their return policy is difficult to follow . They do NOT send you a return label I am an elderly person and I must go to the UPS store stand on line in 100 degree weather and get a tracking number. They won’t permit the UPS driver who comes to my building daily to pick it up.. Very hard company to deal with. They make it difficult to return their unwanted overpriced product.
Yes- It would be the case if the device has a capacitor across the lines It would draw current but not produce any heat because of the power factor. IT DEPENDS ON WHETHER THE ELECTRIC METER USES POWER FACTOR IN IT'S MEASUREMENT.