Max Workouts Reviews

Max Workouts, from creator Shin and Susan Ohtake, is a high intensity workout system that claims to be able to get users lean and ripped in just a 90 day program of workouts that only last 30 minutes a day.
This system was designed by Ohtake after 20 years of experience as a competitive athlete, coach, chiropractic soft tissue therapist, and personal trainer.
He states he wanted to make a workout system that would help anyone off their fitness plateau and accelerate results with shorter, more efficient workouts.
How Does Max Workouts Work?
Unlike other similar workout systems, Max Workouts is claimed to take into account the role of the nervous system in weight loss and muscle gain.
The argument is that if you can stimulate your nervous system with proper training, you can burn more calories and get lean and fit faster.
To begin, you'll receive step-by-step directions of 40 different exercises as well as a 90 day workout schedule that will explain to you exactly what workout to do each day, every day of the three month program.
Unfortunate there is not much customer feedback currently available online regarding this program, and most of the "positive reviews" consumers will find are actually affiliate articles written by people who have the option to earn money from promoting this product.
While this does not mean these people don't actually support or believe in this product, it is also not a fully unbiased point of view.
Customer Service
Consumers with questions can either submit a question directly to their website or they can contact them by mail at 35 Miller Ave #304, Mill Valley, CA 94941.
Cost & Price Plans
Their website says that you can receive the entire Max Workouts program and materials for just a one time charge of $39.95.
Refund Policy
The website displays a picture in the sidebar which claims they have a 90 money back guarantee for customers who are dissatisfied or have complaints, but there is no place on the website that details this policy.
Customers who are concerned may want to speak to a Customer Service representative regarding the details of this policy before they finalize a purchase.
Competitors and Alternatives?
There are many other workout programs that make similar promises to this program, such as P90X3, the Insanity 60 Day Total Body Conditioning Program, and Athlean-X.
If you have any experience with Max Workouts or their products, please leave your reviews below.
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Max Workouts Customer Reviews
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100% scam!
I signed up for $1 to see the information and should have known it was to good to be true!
Never went back to the site and have been charged $29.95 per month without knowing it for 19 months! aWhen I did notice the charges, tried to go on the site, only to find there is no way to cancel on the site, no one answers the email, and no phone number. I had to cancel my credit card. Clearly this is a scam.
H.I.I.T is a Hit!
I am a wildland firefighter and athlete; I have not participated in Shin's Max Workout yet but I am going to check it out.
I would like to respond to the reply that claims his science is "flaky", however. This person goes on to laud their own accomplishments as a marathon runner which for me does not add to their credibility at all. Have you ever seen a professional marathon runner? They are emaciated wrecks! The body is tortured and thin, required to slim down and be super endurance oriented. While it is impressive that a person can do that to their body, I would not use runners at examples of health. If any form of running is healthy, I would look to short distance sprinters over marathoners. Distance running is one of the most detrimental things you can do to your body, especially the way most people do it. I confess I do a VERY small amount of barefoot running as part of my overall fitness regimen but I am extremely careful about form and distance and I would not consider it to be the most effective or beneficial part of my exercise program.
H.I.I.T. has been in my experience one of the most effective types of workout. Short time, minimum risk/exposure (all exercises should be done with body weight or a light weight that is well below your maximum ability) and amazing results in terms of elevated heart rate, respirations, muscle fatigue and recovery times. When on a HIIT program, I have felt incredible recovery times and energy levels. I am looking forward to trying Shin's program and seeing if it fits my needs.
Why don't you prove you are a genuine reviewer by detailing the entire workout program? THEN review it!
Until you detail the program, you are nothing more than another advertisement.
A testimonial from someone who hasn't tried it? This is less than useful.
"Distance running is one of the most detrimental things you can do to your body"
Ah, the O'Keefe study. Then why do long-distance cyclists live longer? If anything, runners push their cardio systems more than cyclists. The data on runners is mixed, I concur, but that could be that any competitive sport involves a fair amount of Type-A personality.
"If any form of running is healthy, I would look to short distance sprinters over marathoners"
High-intensity short/fast running may be good for you in certain ways, but it's the kind it's hard to maintain, as something often breaks. That's why most training programs have you establish a distance base in either running or cycling before adding speedwork.
"They are emaciated wrecks!"
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my point is that doing that such activity is what loses fat (you yourself just admitted it does), and losing fat while building muscle (resistance training) is what gets one "ripped".
"Distance running is one of the most detrimental things you can do to your body"
Ah, the O'Keefe study. Then why do long-distance cyclists live longer? If anything, runners push their cardio systems more than cyclists. The data on runners is mixed, I concur, but that could be that any competitive sport involves a fair amount of Type-A personality.
"If any form of running is healthy, I would look to short distance sprinters over marathoners"
High-intensity short/fast running may be good for you in certain ways, but it's the kind it's hard to maintain, as something often breaks. That's why most training programs have you establish a distance base in either running or cycling before adding speedwork.
"They are emaciated wrecks!"
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my point is that doing that such activity is what loses fat (you yourself just admitted it does), and losing fat while building muscle (resistance training) is what gets one "ripped".
Behr Palomo is an old man living in the 70's or 80's.
Don is an old man living in his mom's basement. Thanks for chiming in w/ your ad hominem remark that adds nothing to the discussion, Don!
Yes, I know that I didn't buy/use the program, but as an athlete in a profession where physical performance and training are extremely important, I feel I add a valuable perspective on similar types of training. It seems from the comments many people disagree w/ this but as far as I can tell most of the negative comments come from sources who fail to state their own credentials or credibility, if any.
If you have something against my perspective, maybe at least be logical like Stewartm and not just a troll like Don.
Flaky Science
Not taken the program, up front. But I've been bombarded with enough ads so I'm throwing in my observations.
a) his "science" is flaky (no, raising your metabolism doesn't make you age more slowly, it actually probably if anything ages you *faster*, according to all the scientific material I've read). A slow metabolism may actually be a good thing insofar as staying younger.
b) Getting ripped is all about losing the fat to see the muscles you've developed, and losing weight is all about the calorie in/calorie burned balance. Any program that says that you lose weight/get ripped by replacing LSDs with high-intensity workouts is also scientific BS and moreover anyone who's ever run a marathon or done 100-mile or more bike rides and also run 5ks (I have) knows. Mind you, sure, there are benefits from interval training and high-intensity workouts, but maximum calorie burning is simply not one of them. After you run a 5k, you may be winded and experience muscle fatigue, but you do not feel energy depleted, which is what caloric consumption is all about. By contrast, after you run a marathon or do long bike rides or swims, you *do* know what calorie depletion feels like (in worst cases, 'hitting the wall', 'bonking', etc) and you are well aware of the difference between the two feelings. Also, any marathoner or long-distance athlete will tell you that it's during their LSD part of their training that their experience weight loss, not in the high-intensity speedwork sessions.
To exercise to lose weight, there is simply no substitute for LSD, and don't let anyone tell you differently.
c) Fat isn't the enemy, and yes, you need it, but it's not necessarily your friend either. And you can't do LSD without carbs. So carbs aren't your enemy either. For those who portray carbs as the fat villain, please explain how that carb consumption 100 years ago was higher than now, and Americans were leaner then than now (and that includes refined sugar, guys!) plus how in other high-carb consumption cultures even today they are leaner.
d) Looking at his testimonial examples, I see people no more 'ripped' than I (subjective appraisal there) even though I follow a workout scheme that differs greatly than this one. Yeah, for those who start from ground zero any program will result in improvements, but I don't see it helping those who might be supposedly spending hours in the gym already and still struggling. Those I know personally who might fit that description are that way because they do nearly all weight training and do *little or no* LSD cardio, and/or don't watch fat/overall calorie intake not the other way around.
Can't review the program without at least trying, and you are so wrong in most of your remarks, i wish i can see your "gorgeous" lean body
You don't need to give a scammer your $$$ in order to validate an exercise or diet program. If a program is scientifically valid, support for it will be found in the scientific literature. Everything I wrote above is scientifically valid and can be independently validated by anyone without giving me a dime. Max Workouts cannot make that claim.
You DO burn far more calories doing LSD than in short, high-intensity bursts; anyone who tells you otherwise is flat-out lying, and so if caloric "burn" and fat loss is an important factor in looking "ripped", then LSD has to be an important part. People are fatter today not because they eat more carbs, not even more refined carbs, than in past years, but because they eat more fat. That is also validated by USDA data (though in truth all such studies I'm aware of appear to lack age-correction factors, which is critical). Raising your metabolism doesn't prevent aging, it probably accelerates it by experimentation done on animal models--from such models the message would be you'd want to SLOW DOWN your metabolism as much as you can in order to stay young. And so on.
As for your last comment--looking "ripped" is relative. To look like a model you need to a) be young; b) have the right DNA, c) control and manage your dietary intake; d) do muscle strengthening and toning weight training, and d) burn about the equivalent of 50 miles a week running in regards to aerobic caloric-burning cardio. That's not a comforting message, it doesn't give you something for nothing like what scammers offer, but it's the TRUTH. Personally, I don't think I look bad (I'm about Lance Armstrong's size and weight and build) but even if you don't think I have a body that satisfies you insofar as 'looking like a model' I think I'm at least in the general category of being in as good of shape as some of the older guys touted by Max Workouts. The people I do know who who are definitely "ripped" (one of them actually is paid to model for gyms because of his looks!!) sure the heck don't use Max Workouts but have their own workout regimens and DO in fact spend several hours working out every day, unlike Max Workouts claims.
Finally, as an amateur athlete, I can tell you--looks and being "ripped" aren't everything and are no indication of overall fitness or ability. Do any bike event, do any running event, and you can see people there who may not have the physique of models but they'll kick your butt.
Firstly, Shin doesn't claim that you'll get "ripped" as you keep saying, he says build lean muscle, which burns calories by itself...which is correct...In all the books I have read, and yes I have read four of his books (unlike someone who just read ads) he doesn't claim you will get ripped...EVER
Eating fat isn't the problem, sugar is. I don't know why you're stuck on old science, you know science "facts" can be outdated too, right? Sugar is either burned immediately, stored for later or stored for EVEN later....depending on your intake amount. And carbs are sugar; 100 years ago, carbs were burned....that's your explanation.
Again, Shin doesn't say don't eat carbs, he says stay away from refined carbs and cool your starchy carbs (in the refrigerator, overnight) before consumption, if you do eat them.
I'm not saying Shin's Max Workout is the only program that gets results, I think anyone that changes to a healthier, low calorie, more natural diet and begins to workout is going to achieve results...I'm just saying that you probably shouldn't comment on something you know nothing about.
PS he doesnt focus on the calories burned in the workout, but the calories burned after the workout. you should really read the books and educate yourself xx
Ahem...I need to read more? The calories burned due to the rise in metabolism after the workout isn't that much....about 20 calories in a day from an aerobic workout, a bit more but not that much from strength training.
Don't believe me? See here:
By contrast, I bicycled 65 miles last Saturday because the weather was warm, for a conservative estimate of a net burn (not total, for this excludes the metabolic rate contribution) of 1950 calories. What do you think would help one achieve or maintain weight loss....a 20 calorie post-workout burn or nearly a 2000 calorie burn?
(Not to mention, I got the 20 calorie burn post-ride metabolic burn as well, and indeed you don't begin to shift from burning mostly glycogen to burning a higher percentage of fat until you've been working out for at least 20 minutes. Short and intense is not an optimal fat-burning strategy in that regards).
There is just so much bogus about this program.
Shinn is ultimately responsible for his ads. If the ads for Max Workouts make ludicrous statements and claims, then he could tell his advertisers to stop. And his ads DO tell say things like his program is to get ripped and that "everyone else is doing it wrong", instead that his strategy is merely one thing that some find successful in achieving their fitness and physique goals. If it were the latter, I'd have less beef--after all, there are a zillion plans on how to train for and run a marathon (Jack Daniel's, Hal Higdon's, Jeff Galloway's, etc)--and some are best for elite runners, some best for those who simply want to finish, some best for runners prone to injury, etc. But Hal Higdon wouldn't say that Galloway's program was bunk and "was doing it all wrong" when it's obvious that there are lots of people who've succeeded using Galloways "run-walk" program, and vice versa.
(This is why one of the few fitness programs I respect, though I don't follow, is that by Richard Simmons. Unlike nearly all other promoters of exercise equipment or programs, his ads are honest--the people he shows don't look like ripped 20-something models, they look like ordinary people. Indeed if you follow his programs you'll likely drop a few pounds, be fitter, and be healthier. But you won't be ripped or have a body beautiful. I appreciate such honesty).
My science is not "old", it's just correct. We have more than 100 years of American food consumption data, courtesy of the USDA, and indeed back 100 years ago Americans ate more carbs and indeed lots refined carbs and sugar too! (In fact, the reason breakfast cereals had sugar added to them was that during the 1930s there was a similar concern about how much sugar kids were adding to cereal, so the idea was that if you pre-sweetened them they'd add less--it was a sugar minimization idea rather than a sugar addition idea). The fact was that before the mid-1970s you couldn't buy whole grain products but only refined flour products in most venues. We were a nation of sugar and white bread back then. Yet we were thinner, not fatter, back then, as a country.
What happened? Continual decrease in calories burned from daily activities due to mechanization and automation, and continual increase of fat intake. Harkers of the 'low-carb' diet plans all point to the fact that American doctors have advised people to limit fat intake, and jumped to the conclusion that Americans actually DID do just that. But from the USDA data, it's clear that American's dietary fat intake continued to rise despite what doctors advised. Hardee's didn't go out of business now advertising its TripleThick Cheeseburger meals, now did it??
Now, to a last bit--you use the word "more natural diet". The real problem is that our bodies conspire against us. Being predisposed to fatty food and sweet foods *is* "natural"; it's natural because our ancestors didn't have the luxury of food-on-whim and certainly couldn't access high calorie-density foods on whim. Moreover, the dangers that they faced in their lives and probable lifespans meant that heart disease and cancers weren't much of a threat simply because you weren't likely to get to be old enough to die from them. You see the same analogy with feral dogs and cats vs those who are domesticated and taken care of--it's only the latter who, given access to veterinary treatments and good diets, live long enough to suffer arthritis and heart disease and cancers and can live upwards of 20 years old. The feral ones are lucky to live 4-5 years.
Stewartm..... really u take ur information from web md, the link you provided uses references from eric harr an athlete, person trainer, to give post exercise calorie loss If you're so adamant about your medical referencing u need to provide credible evidence or your just another Chinese whisper. Get information from the source with measurable data under proper research conditions.
just search for "excess postexercise oxygen consumption" that's what you are referring to and you will find a lot of evidence for more than a small 20 calorie loss. Supramaximal Interval Training has been found to have a calorie loss of 75 calories EPOC and even resistance training with 53 calories EPOC Also an article 2014 "EPOC Comparison Between Isocaloric Bouts of Steady-State Aerobic, Intermittent Aerobic, and Resistance Training" indicates SSA and resistance training performed as good as each other with total post calorie loss of 85
in contrast to your long distance reference to MD of 20 cal post loss. Resistance training is much better for post cal loss
in contrast to your long distance reference to MD of 20 cal post loss. Resistance training is much better for post cal loss
I agree with everything you say. If Plan A sells itself on the basis of saying that I am a moron because I was successful using Plan B, I am not inclined to send money.
Weight loss and maintenance are hard work! Does this guy really think we'll believe that Jack LaLanne was stupid for literally working his butt off?
@elizabeth I'm glad that you're accepting of the fact that any weight loss plan will work if you cut calories and exercise. That makes you an opponent of Mr. Ohtake though.
Why do HFLCer's continue to insist that carbs are stored as fats? Granted that it can happen, but it is rare that the body has to make fat to store when there is a dietary surplus. Even eating excessive carbs does not invoke de novo lipogenesis!
HFLCer's and anyone overeating has no need to use DNL at all because their bloodstreams are loaded with plenty of dietary fat ready to store. So come off your high horse @elizabeth! Quit using the specious carbs=fat argument to denigrate dietary carbs.
I want a review from someone who has actually tried the program and not get the supposed results. This will further buttress the 'flaky' science arguments cos so far you guys have been reading and counter arguing one supposed fake article with another which may also be in accurate.
Josh--the calorie "burn" you get from building muscle mass is pretty modest, despite its hype.
"If you were to lose two pounds of fat and replace it with two pounds of muscle, your resting metabolic rate will increase by less than 10 calories per day."
Jones--so if someone says "I can teach you to fly just by flapping your arms the right way, just pull out the credit card and I'll show you how" you say that the only way to disprove his contention is to fork over the money? That way, the scammer wins every time.
I agree with thhq's comment--I know people who are definitely "ripped" (one actually has worked as a paid model for gyms, for advertisement purposes, like 4 % body fat) but these spend hours every day in the gym.
The other thing is that a lot of the advice to get "ripped" isn't healthy or smart. You can lose weight in very unhealthy ways. High-intensity exercise is hard to maintain both mentally and physically (particularly the latter, high-intensity workouts all the time risk injury no matter how you cut it).
"Stewartm..... really u take ur information from web md, the link you provided uses references from eric harr an athlete, person trainer, to give post exercise calorie loss If you're so adamant about your medical referencing u need to provide credible evidence or your just another Chinese whisper"
So you only trust sources of information if you have to *pay* to get them? If something is true, it should appear on mainstream medical and exercise websites. The latter is offered free of charge and more importantly there is no financial incentive for them to promote what they say. That's quite unlike here.
I agree with Stewart that there's no need to purchase the program to realize that the premise behind it is BS.
Now it might still be an effective workout, I know nothing about that, but the fact that they start out by saying that speeding up the metabolism will slow down aging does not make me confident in that they know what they are talking about.
Speeding up the metabolism will make you lose weight for sure, but it will also make you age faster.
I'm 39 and people still mistake me for being 20-25. That's partly due to my diet and mental attitude, but I think a lot of it has to do with my slow metabolism.
Calorie restriction is far more effective as a longevity strategy. But that's not what people want to hear.
Doesn’t a slow metabolism mean you have hypothyroidism and therefore have a tendency to put on weight? Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid which causes weight loss, usually.?
Great program!
Payment made and information unable to download
He has always responded to my emails.
Any updates on this?
At Max Workouts, we support our return policy if the customer is not satisfied with our product. M Low was refunded in full on 11 Nov 2012.
This sounds like Mercola or Atkins BS deadly diets applied in training. Telling people what they want to hear can make you rich: 'don't train much, no yoga, almost no cardio'. Eat FAT makes you FAT+ sick. In fact, Bad eating habits (including trans) kill around 700k Americans a year, while smoking kill around 400K. But a lot more don't die: they are claudicating or in whell chair, handicaped for the rest of their life. Read Dr Roger Mason (surgeon) ''Dr. Mercola Is Another Dumbbell -!'' or Phil Plait, 'Bad Astronomy, From the best sources, 1 hour of cardio & resistance training (done alternatively) is healthy and productive. A minimum of 150 min. of cardio/w. Read Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. (Mayo Clinic). Of course, doing 2h of cardio a day will make you age faster (cortisol + oxydation). But going down to 20 min. will, IN MOST CASES, not be enough.
PIerre, I agree with much of you write, but I am suspicious about the "fact" that doing 2 hours of cardio will age you faster. At the most, I think that's symptomatic and correlated but not causative.
The biggest culprit for "aging faster" is the common advice given out that "you should raise your metabolism by eating 7-8 small meals a day". I suspect that you do just that, but the catch is that, based on animal models, speeding up your metabolism is likely to accelerate rather slow aging. Calorie-restricted mice outlive their normally-fed peers by twice as long in lab experiments, and (of course) it's slow-metabolism creatures like turtles that outlive high-metabolism creatures like shrews. High-metabolism mice and rats are chosen for cancer experiments precisely because they're so good at growing tumors!
While I am skeptical about references about "Paleo diets" being necessarily healthy....our ancestors didn't have the luxury of selecting what to eat, they ate what was available to them (this also explains food traditions and cultural preferences)) I do note that our ancestors alternated between feasts and periods of hunger. Eating fewer meals a day, or even having fast days, would slow your metabolism but that might be the best strategy to slow aging. I only eat once a day myself and despite me being something of an exercise nut, I'm fine with that schedule and am not going around starved. I also note it's hard practically to eat lots of small meals a day--you tend to overeat (akin to an alcoholic into a bar going into for 'just one sip'). It's easier not to open that bag of potato chips rather than "to just have one..."
So my hypothesis is that many of those ultraathletes (ultramarathoners, triatheletes, and grand tour bicyclists) are told by their trainers to be cramming food into their mouths 24/7. A grand tour bicyclist, for instance, will eat upwards of 6000-10,000 calories a day! Here's an example:
And I submit to you that it's all this correlated eating, rather than the exercise per se, that accelerates aging.
One last thing that alarms me about any program of high-intensity training. High-intensity training is not only hard psychologically to maintain, it's hard on you physically. If you train hard and "max out" all the time, even alternating exercises and workouts, something's likely to break. In my weightlifting I strive for 12 reps or so per set because I see all my powerlifter-type friends who try to "max out" their lifts have back problems, torn rotator cuffs, and other injuries.
My Personal experience has been this . Once food becomes sustenance rather than pleasure you are on your way to extreme fat loss. Food is fuel for "work" your body does. Anything out of kilter in that equation turns into fat for most of us. I don't really understand the science but 3 things kept me focused.
Carbs not used turn into fat ./ Cortisol levels spike when stressed which , well I'm not sure what they do but somewhere fat gets stored. Ketosis, again a little fuzzy on this, but , seems dirty carbs as I call them , or ketones , are used up by the body when carbs are restricted - and they burn fast - Thats fat loss
My experience - reduced carbs to zero. Meals were all protein based with a healthy and i mean healthy dose of dark green salads. A simple way to eat. No sugar producing foods - veggies and fruits included.
Lost 80 pounds of fat in less than 3 months. Rode my bike 1 hour a day for a good sweat. Did some running to change up the routine, sometime half hour run, half hour bike, Lifted weights , one body part per day just for "fun" , nothing serious. Started to enjoy weight free exercise again, pushups, pull ups dips, compound exercises. Muscle definition increased as more fat dripped away - natch, I did these exercises by "time'....not by reps, thats how strong I felt.
After one year , I had gone from 280 to 196 - where I plateaued in weight loss. I craved green salads and chicken. I could not eat breads pasta, junk food or anything my body refused, I simply didn't want them. My body refused to see them as foods to sustain itself with..
I had more energy than ever. Slept 6 hours , was sharper and more focused. I rode 3000 Kilometers in 18 days and could run a marathon anytime.
My take away from this. We consume way to many carbs for our sedentary lifestyle. There is no way we can consume the 200 to 300 carbs recommended by National health boards and not get fat unless you are predisposed to being lean.
Think about it - a bottle of Gatorade ( buy G2's- 6 carbs instead or Powerade - 0 carbs ) contains about 40 g of carbs. A slice of bread ( even the healthiest you can dream of )contains about 20.
So 2 bottles of gatorade and 2 sandwiches gives you a whopping 160 grams of carbs to power your day- ONE HUNDRED SIXTY , for so little. . This doesn't include lunch , supper, snacks in between or anything else. I don't care what you do but this is way too much fuel for the little we do. By my calculation, even eating "healthy" you could be ingesting over plus 200 g of carbs per day. Alot of those carbs aren't burned by us "fatties" . Count them, it's crucial you get a handle on this ( rather than calories counting and simpler ).
Go to a grocery store and read the labels - cut out anything carbs - you'll be amazed.
Something that really interested me was that protein gets converted to some extent into carbs when needed. So basically, I could eat 5 to 6 times a day without having one single carb. I ate when i was hungry , it could be as little as a bite of chicken , or a hardbolied egg, or a handful of lettuce to as much as a whole head of green leaf lettuce ( olive oil / lemon juice for dressing ) and a hunk of steak/ chicken breast, pork chop, shrimp, fish filet, omellette., whatever combination.
Food prep is key. Do this on a sunday - portion out your protein for the week , freeze it in easy to use portions.
look, its boring, no restaurants ( you just don't yearn for it ). Lots and I mean lots of foods are done away with. If i go to a resto - I ask for a special meal , and they do it.
At the end of my journey i have discovered carb intake is the real culprit. We eat "fat", and bad fat . it doesn't get burned off. Why should I ply my body with upwards of 600 g of carbs and have to workout like an animal everyday and still gain fat. It's nuts . Even if you eat " healthy" you are still going to gain fat. Take rice, its healthy right- how many carbs in a single cup sized servings - bet you its north of 30 g's of carbs. Ok, so to burn that and you need to burn it quickly before it gets converted to fat, you'll have to physically work at least 20 minutes if not more.
This is insane when you consider what you eat in a day. If you are fat, then you'll need to reduce your carbs to a point Ketosis kicks in ( only issue if pregnant women who really don't need to be on a fat burning diet ). You'll have to consume some potassium becasue you'll get muscle cramps until your body adjusts. Your gym time will be most beneficial because they assist your diet not fight against it.
Oh and do drink plenty of water laced with lemon juice. Use olive oil, coconut oil, garlic, kale, swiss chard, arugula, basil leaves, dark green lettuces. this is a challenge but in short order, it is life changing.
That's been my experience. Please note , you'll feel woozy in the first few weeks, keep food on hand. this type of regiment is for most average people who have packed it on and won't hurt you. If you are obese, then you have to be carefull with this rapid a change. if you are naturally thin, well you don't need this, your body burns fat at will. This is for us fatties who indulge yet we don't do manual work for 12 hours a day like in the past. You notice that construction crews have bobcats rather than wheelbarrows . Technolgy makes it easier for us to do manual work - we need to adjust how we eat.
can you sum up what you ate and what exercises you did
i would be really thankful if you told me because i want my fat to go away
Thanks in advance
@liv it's only once in a blue moon that a carb molecule is converted into a fat molecule for storage. The body is very efficient at storing excess fat calories from what we eat. Great that you can subsist on your atkins-like fare, heroic even if it defends your 100 pound weight loss. But HFLC is not how to live to a healthy old age. Try Ancel Keys Med diet and live to 100 like he did.
I'm not rude about this the way Mr Ohtake is though. I give you advice for your own good, not because I think you're a moron.
Thank you Liv for your review. The American food industry, with the aid of the FDA, is doing everything possible to keep Americans unhealthy.
I won't be surprised if it was discovered that a conspiracy exist involving the Food industry, the FDA, the Department of Agriculture and the Pharmaceutical industry. The Department of Agriculture promotes a food pyramid that encourage certain foods and subsides corn production making it a cheap source of basic food for the Food industry. The Food industry produces processed foods with high contain of corn based products, which long term consumption will produce health problems. The Pharmaceutical industry develops drugs to mask the symptoms of these health problems. And the FDA approves these drugs. When most of the health problems Americans face today could be remedied with a change in diet.
According to Dr Doenutt Frankler, he knows all the best ways to get in better physical shape and he has stated that the Max Workouts program by Shinn Ohtake is one of the top five worst physical exercise/workout programs ever created. Dr. Frankler also has stated that Mr Ohtake should not be trying to sell his Max Workouts program at any price because truthfully its real value is zero.
Max Workouts worked for me! Reached my goal of losing 20lbs and getting stronger. Not so ripped though. However, restarting the program a year later, I am definitely getting ripped this time around...I recommend their program.