Ken Roberts Reviews

Ken Roberts is a direct mail investment guru that has made himself and his course, The Worlds Most Powerful Money Manual & Course very popular.
In it Roberts claims that he can show anyone, regardless of experience, how to be successful in commodities trading with a budget of only $1,000.
According to Ken Roberts most traders will lose money 95% of the time. He says that his materials can show you how to avoid that nasty failure rate.
Ken Roberts combines his tips and strategies for commodities trading with his overall philosophy of life. This adds up to a course that offers financial training along with mental and spiritual guidance to getting what you want.
Ken Roberts began selling this mail order course back in 1983. It includes trading charts, a course on options, a newsletter, and his novel, The Rich Man's Secret.
Roberts also offers the option of getting access to an advanced training seminar for several thousand dollars.
If you have any experience with Ken Roberts or The Greatest Business on Earth, please leave your reviews below.
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Ken Roberts Customer Reviews
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Caviet Emptor
Has down-to-earth approach. Sold other interesting books which helps one with an even keel of mind -helpful in trading. Didn't paper trade -which was, all my bad, resulting in losing good bit of money -not because of his teaching.
However, the brokerage sources he recommended were outrageously expensive -felt a disconnect with client services. Didn't help me much. The chart company was costly - his other business connection.
Today we have the internet, if you know what to look for.
Start by putting some money into an education
Worth all due respect. That's got nothing to do with active futures trading.
My Hero
I purchased Ken's course after receiving a brochure in the mail. It just pushed all the right buttons for me. As a CPA, I had the skills to analyze and review this type of statistical data. I went on to research other commodity trading info. which enhanced what Ken had taught me.
You can work from the neck down or the neck up. If you are smart, patient, knowledgeable, and have a system, the world is your oyster. Its not easy, but its worthwhile and rewarding. It's a zero sum game, so I am taking the money from those that aren't smart, patient, knowledgeable and without a system.
I started out with $50,000 and sometimes I win big or more often lose small. On average I make $1500 a day. I can do it anywhere there is internet. Two hours a day. If I go on vacation I either close out my positions or I have stop orders in place.
Tell me where where else you can do this? Ken is right, it is the World's Perfect Business.
Absolutely right!
What broker or online charting do you use nowdays?
KR is OK
I read his free book TWMPMM. It got me interested in commodities and technical analysis. That was in 1995. I have now been trading and studying markets 22+ years now...I was even inspired to pass my Series 3 exam.. KR discloses adequately in my view and tells everybody to paper trade first. I think KR can be a good start...and I think that the regulatory authorities should put KR way down at the bottom of their list.
In my view I see that the industry is full of legal scammers who. take great pains to mai
Mr. Ken is okay.... I ordered his book and see the possibilities of trading commodities by using charts......
Not bad at all.
Started his course in 1997, paper traded a few, started real trading with less than $5000.00, within 3 months I was over 100.000 at some point. I lost all the money plus money I did not have.
My mistakes are my own, couldn't control my emotions, was not discipline enough. Did not follow the course's money management procedures. I appreciate Ken for introducing me to commodity futures.
With focus and discipline, its the Greatest Business on Earth!
He warns you to paper trade 1st!!
If you lost a bunch of money, then you have no one but to blame but yourself. He warns you to paper trade 1st. If you didn't want to spend the time to do that until you were comfortable that you figured it out, then that's on you. If your paper trades were a disaster, than you shouldn't have invested. If you didn't have the patience and personality to make a plan and follow it then you shouldn't have invested. I think at times he did make it sound a bit easier than it is, but in the end the markets are inherently risky esp. for a newbie. I don't recall him guarenteeing success (even though he may have implied it.) I started in '96 or '97 with about $3,500. and lost on the first handful of trades about $2,500. The last trade I had going paid off quite well and I wound up with a 60% total return on the $3,500. It felt a bit too much like gambling for me so I switched to stocks.
I followed a couple of idiot newsletters (Jack Adamo's value investing) and (Wade Cooks Wall Street Millionaire system) and lost most of the money within a year. I wonder what would have happened if I would have stuck to commodities trading.? In retrospect, the safest thing anyone can do is invest in solid high quality stocks that pay hefty dividends year after year and reinvest those dividends and maybe sell some covered call options on them for extra cash with little risk.
Life threw some bad curve balls at me the last 15 years so I have been totally out of the game. When I get back in the market I will probably do the Warren Buffet type stocks and maybe play with the commodities with a little mad money to have some fun and who knows?? Good luck to all but caveat emptor!
Hi i also bought Ken Roberts materials back in 1996 and found it useful and made money when paper traded but lost money when trading with real money. The problem was I didn't do all the right things when trading with real money. I then gave up. Now I am a bit older and wiser and would like to get back into the game and excitment (hopefully make some money at the same time). I'll start paper trading again before playing with resl money. Does anybody know any good on-line charts (i.e. gives the past 12 months). I am also in the process of finding a broker. Cheers........
Open an account with Lind Waldock . I used them years ago when I was trading.
I had to pull my money out for legal reasons .It does work you just need to be patient.
As someone checking out Ken Roberts for is UTSuccess Program, I am pleased to see quite a few positive reviews of his other product. I read the FTC complaint and Order and it seems the only thing he screwed up on, which they could ding him for, was not displaying his disclaimers more prominently or not making them more forceful.
One review here that confuses me is the one where he damns Roberts for "selling out" of the commodities training business, charging him with deserting a sinking ship, etc., just before the market collapsed. I fail to see how that is a reflection on his course materials. Some people are still making money. People make money in every market if they track it properly (I think. I am not a stock or commodities trader). Is this guy blaming Roberts for the economic meltdown?
After reading these reviews, I am happy to say I am more optimistic about Ken's success program than I was. I probably won't be buying it because it's more money than I like to spend on such things. But there appears to be a good amount of it on youtube, so I think I'll go there.
I think Ken got out of the commodities training because he discovered he had more fun teaching success and positive psychology. Me, too. Much more fun, especially if you can make a living doing it.
I received Ken's course back in 1998,I started my account with $2500.After about 6 months I jumped in and bought 3 gold options.With commissions it came to $750.After 1 week gold shot up from $250 to $300.I sold each one for $3500.Thats $10,500 on a $750 investment.This is a great course.I got married and stopped trading,but I am going to get back in soon.
Thanks Ken,God bless you
Got the course in the spring of 1997 and started paper trading. Three weeks later I saw an opportunity for a day trade in the pork bellies. This is something that Ken said that he did not do (Day trading pork bellies). But I saw the opportunity and move on it. Made $2300 on my first trade. I went back to paper trading just watching for another trade. Two months later I saw the chance for a long term trade in the bond market. I started with one contract and rolled my profits back into the trade by doubling my contracts. In December 1997 I took $32,800 out of the market in my second trade.
I was an auto mechanic making $46,000 a year. Now I own two technology companies and have 83 employees. I still paper trade and check the market everyday. Just looking for that next trade.
Ken Roberts changed my life.
I bought Ken's course 20 years ago, around 1990. It was basic but not mis-represented at all. I didn't take my life savings and immediately start trading.
I did what he said and paper traded for years, off and on. Every time my trade would be a loser I would try to learn what I did wrong and spent a few years learning and trading 1 contract at a time.
Twenty years later I can retire because of commodity trading.
I had no idea he was in trouble and had to shut down his business. That's too bad. The commodities course was a nice start but the rest of the course dealing with psychology was the most valuable part.
Now its so common to find trading psychology books but not 20 years ago. He was ahead of his time I think.
Thank You Ken Roberts.
I tried the commodities and was successful 50% of the time.What the course fail to show was getting in and out quickly which I did learn.I switched to stocks and have been successful 100% of the time using his schooling.
The methods are tried and true and do work just watch my stocks as EXK i was a buy in at 4:45 and now it at 12.60!Watching stock and commodities side by side and investing is great to do.ETF's that invest on commodities works just like your are playing the market.SLV I Invested in at 18 and sold at 38 !WOW you can't beat that!My friend whom had someone invest for him lost over 200K!
I beg him to invest in a ETF- SLV but he refused to this day I don't think he has recovered!He would have triple his money from 18 thru to almost 48 !As of today it at 42.50!
Folks it works but read the Ted Warren book over and over till you get it!When i trade with Ted Warren way I am 100% successful! When i don't it the 100% the other way.Sometimes you live and learn ads I did but my loss only 10K are small to my gain of over 200k!I have also made 40k in one day.It should have been 80k but the day I was going to invest it got busy at work and never call to invest more in my stock.Every time I ask my broker to buy more he would talk me out of it.I tell him what I want and what to do and just do it.Use the course and make money just do not expect result right away unless you pick a stock that happens to jump right after you buy it.The whole purpose of the course is to finds stocks no one else it looking at.My worse stock pick is 33% return.My best has been PARL at over 600% plus bought at 3.66 and sold at 26 which is over 600%.
Thanks Ken Roberts for the information.The SEC couldn't find a fraud if it was looking at one straight in the face.All these advisement newsletter are all frauds they just tons of legal jargon to be legal.You look at all these newsletter and you will see they get a kickback from the company for pushing the stocks they advise!(read the fine print its all fraud)So where is the fraud at Ken Roberts or the Newsletters!
SEC is blind and looks at Ken Roberts and not the newsletter which is built in fraud!
Some people are lazy and want a quick buck and sue as they lack the knowledge and thinking to act and let their emotions rule!
The course works and I am prove it works and I don't need anyone else to tell me otherwise! Anyone want to contact me about it go ahead!I will tel it works but I will not give out advise either you make your own picks as word gets out then everyone is buying what you are buying which is a false and misleading.
I took the entire series of Ken Roberts training. I studied the commodities course and the Delta Options Trading Course. I have now been trading futures for over 6 years, and have developed my skills to the point that I am pleased with the results.
In my experience, Ken Roberts never misrepresented anything. He offered a quality educational product to people who needed to learn the fundamentals of trading commodities, and it was a wonderful resource at very reasonable prices. He never presented trading futures as a "get rich quick" scheme, and always encouraged paper trading, being careful and did in fact warn course members of the risks involved in futures trading.
I have benefited enormously because of what Ken Roberts offered.
I bought Ken's course back in 1997, as a favor to a friend. I studied it. I paper traded for a month, then got into the trading. I made enough money in six months ($27K) to start a coffee plantation tour biz in Mexico. Thus, I got out and didn't look back.
Recently, I got into the binary options game, just for kicks. I dusted off the tactics and used them as a base, combined with another simple system. It works like a charm; it's so easy that it's almost like it's a perfect fit.
Now, I couldn't care less about Ken Roberts. He seems a bit too pompous and opinionated for me, and I do catch him in some "exaggerations" from time to time.
BUT, if you simply practice his course and apply it to binary options, you can make some serious dough. That's what I know.
I have had the course since 1996. sorry for all you people who just don't get it.I had no school other then high school. I worked for $10.00 an hour. I traded on paper for 3 years, yes 3 years. All i do now is trade. I don't need to tell you how much i make now, I only work about 1 hour a day. If you think it don't work good for you, if you are one of the few who get it, check out copper........up up and away
Thanks Kin......
Hi Caviet, I was one of the many thousands introduced to Trading with the Ken Roberts and Ted Warren book. I am looking for a couple of US Charting Company paper charts Roberts used to send out to us. I tossed mine away many years ago, but I am looking for a couple of late summer 2001 issues.
If you or anyone has them collecting dust in a closet somewhere, that would be cool. Thank you. [email protected] Roberts made the money to be a large fund trader so to handle pullbacks whereas we as small speculators have to be on our game.
This was just the basics to get started, and learn from there your own style a trading, and hopefully survive the lessons in patience and discipline.