Dr. Al Sears, MD Reviews
Dr. Al Sears, MD is a doctor, nutritionist, and certified fitness expert who has created a long list of products, publications, and programs with the goal of helping people be the best and healthiest versions of themselves.
How Does It Work?
According to their website, “Dr. Sears is a pioneer in integrated medicine” and “one of the nation’s first board certified anti-aging physicians,” who provides readers with information regarding new and different treatment or solution options for various medical issues.
AlSearsMD.com markets a variety of information products, including newsletters, books, and DVDs, as well as a line of nutritional supplements, including Primal Force.
Some of his most well known products include the PACE Express Fitness Program (PaceExpress.com), which has been designed to give users “maximum fat loss results” in just 12 minutes a day by using a progressively challenging workout routine.
His website also offer a free newsletter which provides information on healthcare tips Dr. Sears has discovered while traveling, and any new breakthroughs regarding common conditions like heart disease, arthritis, and other conditions.
There are some red flags associate with Dr. Al Sears and his company, which may give some customers pause.
For example, though the website promotes Dr. Sears as an “anti-aging specialist” the reality is that this is a certification given by a private organization, not an actual medical specialty that is recognized by medical boards.
In addition, there are many different websites and organizations that object to the publication of untested, holistic and alternative medical theories because they can convince people suffering from serious medical conditions to ignore their doctors or approved medical treatments.
Customer Service Contact Info
Customers who wish to contact Customer Service with questions, concerns, or complaints can do so by phone at 561-784-7852, by email at [email protected], or by submitting them directly to their website through the Contact Us link.
Refund Policy
Because the Dr. Al Sears MD website provides such a variety of products and publications, they do not provide a general, overarching Refund Policy that is applicable to everything they offer.
Instead, when you are interested in purchasing a specific item, you’ll need to check the specific guarantee or policy associated with that product.
Competitors and Alternatives?
The alterative or holistic medical industry is growing quickly and includes many different doctor backed websites like Mercola.com, The People’s Chemist, and many others.
If you have any experience with Dr. Al Sears MD or their products, please leave your reviews below.
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Dr. Al Sears, MD Customer Reviews
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Disappointing result.
I used to be a huge fan of Dr. Al Sears and even bought some books from his publication about true natural holistic medical science. I totally agree with his researches and recommendations especially the one that advises wise people to stay away from mainstream Western medical services using pharmaceutical drugs. However, suddenly the dr. Al Sears company has stopped sending me the "Doctor's House Call" health articles I used to receive at least 5 days per week free of charge. I tried to contact the company and told them about that at least 3 times, however they did not resume that service again. I presume that the reason was because I did not order his very expensive products. I guess - money comes first. I am really disappointed as after so many years of trusting him, he has failed me and probably many more people like me too.
Be sure to read the ingredients!
I never tried Primal Force , but did order many other Sear's Products used to deter aging , and folks with all the anti aging I ordered , I should have been in a baby carriage , but unfortunately NONE of them worked as advertised. Also all products are auto renewal ! Better to order a highly rated Brain Supplement from Amazon!
Hair nourishment bottles
how do I cancel any further orders of Primal Source? I need help with this problem
His guidance and products were very helpful
I have used several supplements in the past and found them to be effective, though a bit expensive, which resulted in my having to cease their use. I have also gained valuable information he has posted for free, which I continue to put into use.
I view all sites with a grain of salt, but have found his recommendations trustworthy and his products worth exploring.
Use non-synthetic vitamins, they do honor money back
Totally false promises
I believe this man is the same man who has Einstein as his picture, who also gave him 1 star. I call BS!!!
I have had a subscription to Al Sears MD for about a year now.
I initially signed up due to an advertisement to a miraculous one pill cures all.
You will receive numerous mailings with his double-speak.
Never really giving you information but putting you in a circle of "if you want to find out more now buy this subscription". It's complete insanity. He does not sell any cures to anything he advertises.
I doubt the good doctor is an actual person. Seems like just a very slick marketing campaign. If he is real he's either a very cleaver con man or he's truly mentally ill.
My opinion? Run. Stick with Dr. Mercola or The People's Chemist. They're both straight forward and actual people.
Hi Larry,
Yes, there is a pill. The reason you won't see it advertised in the same place you will see information/studies about it is that, believe it or not, you cannot legally make disease claims about anything that is not a DRUG (curcumin is naturally occurring and therefore not patent-able as a drug) and sell the product. It doesn't matter that the science is true and proven, it is illegal to let anyone know about it if you are selling it. You can sell information with all the scientific backup so that people can use that information to treat themselves. You can sell a pill, but with none of the data that shows its effectiveness against any disease. You can't sell the two together. It is either inform, or sell a pill without fully informing. People like Dr. Sears will do both, but separately, if they are complying with DSHEA and the FTC. I know this is confusing, but doctors committed to alternatives to big pharma's drugs jump through special hoops to disseminate information and alternative products. Hope this helps.
ok if he can sell the pill without the information of what it can do, then why not sell the info and pills separately in order for the customers to give feed back
I would like a follow up
Where's the Pill
I hate ads that claim there is a cure or a pill (example: $1.00 a pill) that doesn't really have the pill. This is just another bait and switch to sell books and so-called reports. If this Dr. wants to contact me to explain his promises I will leave my email address at the end of this complaint. If he has such a pill as he claims, I will gladly buy a 60 day supply to take myself and report on it's effectiveness. Surely he could find a manufacturer and distributer who would be glad to produce such a pill. If he does not have a product such as he talks about, then he is no better than the "Big Pharma" he attacks.
Larry@[email protected]
This reviewer has hit the nail on the head and I applaud the intelligent comments made.
He’s a Quack selling junk to poor gullible people who agree with his administration of Trump! That said, most comments were previous to 1-6-2021 & the proven #BigLie from #SoreLoser #Disinformation is rampant on Social Media sites! Beware & fact check all sources starting & ending BitChute.dot Org!!Troll bots are in full force for 2022!
Larry, This was posted in the wrong "Reply"From:SarahApril 11, 2018
Hi Larry, Yes, there is a pill. The reason you won't see it advertised in the same place you will see information/studies about it is that, believe it or not, you cannot legally make disease claims about anything that is not a DRUG (curcumin is naturally occurring and therefore not patent-able as a drug) and sell the product.
It doesn't matter that the science is true and proven, it is illegal to let anyone know about it if you are selling it. You can sell information with all the scientific backup so that people can use that information to treat themselves.
You can sell a pill, but with none of the data that shows its effectiveness against any disease. You can't sell the two together. It is either inform, or sell a pill without fully informing.
People like Dr. Sears will do both, but separately, if they are complying with DSHEA and the FTC. I know this is confusing, but doctors committed to alternatives to big pharma's drugs jump through special hoops to disseminate information and alternative products. Hope this helps.
As for VickiEngel, your response is absolutely nonsensical. Keep your politics to yourself.
Re: VickiEngel. Why are people who post reviews not adhering to the rules. Very sad and insensitive.