Allsup Reviews

( 6 reviews )

Allsup describes themselves as the nation's premier disability representation company, whose mission is to assist people who are in circumstances which would be helped by applying for Social Security Disability Benefits.

Founded in 1984 by a former Social Security field representative, says that they are first nationwide private Social Security disability claims services company.

They go on to say that they've helped more than 200,000 people receive benefits to date, with a 97% rate of success.

Allsup promises their prospective customers that they will only charge a fee for their services if they successfully obtain the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits; applicants who are denied for any reason will not be charged.

Customers new to the process of SSDI will be educated on the process so they can feel more secure and less intimated.

For customers who have already attempted to apply for benefits on their own and have been denied, Allsup can also help with any pending disability appeals.

In 2008, Allsup branched out from only providing assistance with SSDI and began their True Help program, which incorporates assistance with both healthcare and financial services.

These services include the Allsup Medicare Advisor®, Allsup Disability Life Planning Service®, Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Service. Medicare especially can be extremely confusing process to be involved in, so professional assistance is often helpful.

Customers who are wondering if they might be eligible for the assistance of this company can fill out a Social Security Evaluation, completely for free. Customers who fill out these Evaluations are under no obligation to use their services.

Before you fill out the Evaluation, however, you must fulfill some basic criteria.

First, you must be under your full retirement age (65-67), have a medical condition expected to last at least 12 months, and have worked 5 out of the last 10 years.

If you meet that criteria, then you can move forward.

If you have any experience with Allsup or their services, please leave your reviews below.

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Allsup Customer Reviews

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Allsup rep did not attend my disability hearing as promised
May 13, 2024

I have used Allsup services for the past ~2 years for help with my social security disability application. My claim was initially denied and Allsup appealed on my behalf and the process culminated with an administrative law hearing by phone this morning.

My Allsup representative did not attend the hearing by phone as promised, so I proceeded on my own.

The judge did not have any records from the past year or the letter Allsup rep had asked my husband to write the judge about his observations. I had laboriously uploaded all my medical records for the past year to the Allsup website, but my Allsup rep called me 10 days before the hearing and asked me to resend all my records and the letter to the judge to an unsecured email with her name at another company.

It seemed sort of dicey to me, but the hearing was so close that I went ahead and did as she asked. She said she was having trouble with the Allsup website and I figured she must do work for more than one disability support company. I repeatedly emailed my Allsup rep during the week before my hearing asking for confirmation of receipt of all I had sent and to schedule a time when she could prep me for the hearing. I never heard back from her.

The hearing on my own was not too bad and the judge was very kind, but that is no thanks to Allsup. I won't know the judge's ruling for some weeks and I don't know if having Allsup support at the hearing would have helped; however, based on this experience I am ending my relationship with Allsup and I would not recommend the company to anyone. If I could have given a zero star I would have.

May 14, 2024: After I posted my review yesterday, I received phone calls of apology from my Allsup representative and also a more senior person in the organization. They made every effort to make things right.

Leave People Waiting in the dirt
December 24, 2022
My friend has a lot of problems and was referred to you by another party. Your company has failed her, and I will help her pick up the pieces as a Registered nurse I am way smarter than your company and see scams a mile away!

she goes out of her way to help in anyway
April 18, 2022
I would like to thank Ms. Tiana Clark for helping me a lot she would call ask how I'm doing, if I need any help in anything. She will send me email with job sites, she would ask is there a position I'm looking for part-time or full-time ect. She is very helpful I Thank You.

Agent failed to send critical documents for 2nd appeal
April 14, 2022

Allsup was very clear on explaining the process of applying and how fees were collected.

We were denied the first application. For the appeal, the agent had not sent new information from the doctors. The judge was noticeably angry at the lack of execution and we were obviously denied a second time.

We have decided that the system is fully against a valid complaint unless you are savvy enough to game it.

SharonGallagher December 24, 2022

It's not a game. You have to contact SS and that's it. These vultures are out for money and do nothing. Should be illegal.

Rand D October 26, 2023

Same experience...They made money for literally doing nothing. The reason I 'needed to use them was all folded up in lies, and they did absolutely nothing. I filed, I did the leg work, and they got $2,500 for doing nothing. This should be illegal, the entire system is so corrupt and appears to be either loaded with employees who don't know their jobs, or are simply lying about everything. Probably a lot of both stupid and lacking in knowledge that they will simply make up an answer.

Excellent Results
September 23, 2019
I filed and was approved rep was very good ....however if there was anything I didn’t like I let them know right away ....after all this is your future ......I was on short term disability from my employer when I filed and Allsup had the insurance company that was paying my short term disability pay their fee ....this was about 8 years ago

Bad Representative
April 29, 2019

My assigned representative dropped the ball so badly! I had conditions that should have been approved the first level .... this was discovered during a quality review while I was in my second level appeal process. I had updated all my doctor info, visits, hospital, etc. all along the way.

I still had the same representative during the second level appeal...he was telling me that I should be approved since they found that my conditions qualified. I emailed, I called, I talked to others at Allsup trying to contact my representative to prepare for the next level appeal. I never heard from him until just a few days before the court date.

Then he tells me we drew a tough judge for the court of appeals review. The judge asked him where the information was that she had requested from him for the hearing...that she had not received it from him. Come to find our, he dropped the ball getting updated medical information to her from all of my doctors. She gave him another week to get that information to her. He did not even bother or bother to let her know that he had requested it and was waiting on doctors. She denied me again.

We went to the third level appeal which he did not provide any extra documentation or assistance to help my case. In other words, Allsup dropped the ball keeping this representative on my case after all of my communications to them. Now, I am out of appeals....