One Political Plaza Reviews

One Political Plaza Customer Reviews
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Very pro-MAGA but also plenty of liberals
Very far right forum with a couple of liberals. The admin caters to the liberals probably because he feels they get picked on. In my short time on app i have learned a lot and would invite anybody to come and learn. There are a lot of non-political discussions as well. Very enjoyable.
MAGA folks
OPP is a right wing mostly MAGA folks and the only thing they offer is cut and paste conspiracy theories.
They have a Russian immigrant that’s says nothing from her ideology all she does is cut and paste conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda. She post this garbage in the form cut and paste. And disagree with her in the form of facts. Look out they as all the right wingers they attack you in there Private Message with there filthy language.
That doesn't sound like the average conservative I know.
You are a liar. I know who you are referring to and that person does not just cut and paste. That person of whom you speak has left out opinionated topics many times.
Not fair and balanced!
One Political Plaza is showing complete bias in favor of liberal innocuous who manage to stay on OPP but they suspend me and will not let me utilize my First Amendment rights against the foul-mouth liberals on the site!
You HAVE no 1st Amendment right on OPP. The 1st Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution, a set of laws that only applies to the government, not a private website.
This is a perfect example of what you can expect on OPP. I would guess most of the people are aligned with the right and tend to know very little about the most basic concepts of law and government. A few people who know better will try to explain (they tend to be liberal) and for that they get attacked with insults which is probably what led the author of the review to be kicked off.
With OPP, you need to wade through a lot of idiocy and emotional rage but if you do, there's a chance you might find a decent discussion.
Oh? Could you elaborate? It appears it is the Libs/Marxists/Democrats who are the less intelligent.
Want to know how much news is being ignored by the media? We find it!
If you are not a Trump supporter, you will be abused....
I've been there since 2013 and have posted tens of thousands of posts. Trump wasn't a gleam in anyone's eye at that no. It is not an extension of his campaign and since social media censors him and us we go where we can.
I was there in 2013... at the time there was a significant coalition of Tea Party supporters... They are essentially the same people who jumped on the MAGA wagon in 2016. These people tend to spend a LOT of time on OPP waging the culture war, so it does feel at times, as if OPP is an extension of the Trump campaign and yes, if you state any opposition to Trump they WILL swarm you with insults.
Actually, zero, the Conservatives are waiting for intelligent Libs/Marxists/Democrats to post on the platform, so I think you should go back and engage with them. You could certainly teach them a few things. Don't just complain on a separate platform. Some might get the idea that Libs/Marxists/Democrats are afraid to make legitimate arguments.
Libs/Marxists/Democrats is not a label that makes sense except to anyone trying to suggest that all Dems and all Liberals are somehow Marxist. This is not true. Starting from that place makes the bias clear. It would be the same as saying Racists/Conservatives/Republicans and I think you might find that offensive and judgmental. You might even say I just don’t know any - but as a Liberal - I’d suggest you don’t know any of us either.
It's now leaning left!
It is now dominated by leftists who do nothing but parrot CNN/MSNBC/etc. And the administrators let these leftists get away with pure profanity while the least little insult from a conservative and you get banished for a few days with a smart alec comment from the administrators. It is NOT a place for conservative ideas any more.
I now only want to discuss there because I have come to know many of the conservative poster's.
I agree 100%. Maybe I went right up to the line, on some occasions, but I've seen Leftys go way over and get nothing. I've been a avid contributor for 8 years. Have been on the street, "admin vacay", a total of 8 weeks when you add it up. They were pretty good staying neutral for 7 years, but now their bias is blatant, and obvious. Your adversaries can refer to you as the "scum of the earth" and the radical left member gets nothing. Oh well, another decent moderate blog down the drain. I'm leaving after 8 years. They are becoming more "woke" every day.
BigMike sort of agrees. I found out that inventing my own curse words helps. I've spent three days in the penalty box on two occasions. Lol!
The site has definitely moved into a liberal bastion of censorship! They will not reinstate me under any condition!
Right leaning forum
If you're from the right, it's the place for you. I agree with Jon that it is operated by a Russian. The ratio of right to left is about 20 to one. The right usually gangs up on the one lefty. One has to remember you are to the left if you are not from the far right.
The lack of civility is severe.
Soon enough this site will be an all alt-right forum echo chamber.
The right wing controls OPP I have been on OPP for over 6 years now and have watched how there Admin caters to the right wing extremists. These people are not republicans there on OPP to do one thing. Justify Trumps daily clown show of lies, they are not interested in facts, there not interested in a common sense debate, there interested in one thing and that's spreading the far right conspiracy theories and last election they were thrilled when they picked up on Russian propaganda. I don't know if admin has planted these people or not but they can insult and denigrate anybody that even attempts to post facts and allowed to get away with any insult they want.
Admin on many occasions have suspended me for insults but would not even take into consideration what precipitated the insult. All I was doing is responding to an insult with a insult. As soon as you insult back they turn you into admin. And admin suspends you and most common sense bloggers just say the hell with it and don't come back.
I love it because I enjoy posting facts and it's fun to see these ignorant people and there foolish childish responses and then the insults.
It's actually fun so come and try it and you will see what I mean it's like dealing with children and it's fun and entertaining but post facts and watch the insults.
I have been called a communist, a fascist, a socialist, all different forms of government now how can you be all of that.
Sure I know you too.
I'm sure I know you too. Lol!
TD! As I live and breathe. No matter what name you use your writing style is a dead giveaway. Lol!
Enjoying opp
Been there since 2013 and never once have I complained to Admin about anything anyone said and EVERYTHING has been said to me since then. I don't believe cuss words are a big deal and insults are a compliment coming from some. I've been in the penalty box only twice and I say pretty much what I want. They've deleted a few posts for cuss words and insults but they've never deleted a news story I posted or an opinion I have. I can work with that.
OPP admin when you set guidelines and say you promise this forum is for individuals can voice opinions and then and then back it up with facts.
On OPP facts don’t matter with 90% of the individuals that post all they do is critize with no facts, spread hate and right wing garbage with absolutely no backup just insults and the only time admin gets invovled is when foul language is used and it only depends on who is using it.
I have hate threats against myself my family and OPP does nothing about it. They just let it go. OPP is a right wing leaning site and right wing bloggers are allowed to insult with no suspensions.
But I will not leave OPP because I will be dammed if I am going to allow the right wing ignorance to post garbage with no back up no facts.
Perceptions is not reality at times I post my perceptions but due to a lack of respect for bloggers on OPP I get slammed with insults and when I insult back OPP suspends me.
If OPP truly believes that each post has to be backed up with some kind of facts they would not have a plaza
TDearnest! BigMike here! you sound the same on this review as you do on the OPP.
I'm in the same shape -disbarred indefinitely!
Big Mike, yes that comment is from airforceone as he is calling himself now. A whiner.
interesting presentations of right wing extemism viewpoints plus a Russian propaganda operation on site
Interesting site for an education in fringe right wing extremism (and rudeness and filthy language both right and left). The Patty persona postings March 4 to present (preceded by Pana, then Capitalist personas in February with same subjects and story lines, same Russian internet propaganda site quotations, same response patterns, and unique 4 a.m. to 4 p.m. time schedules) are an education in present day fascist Russian viewpoint and propaganda intentions comparable to the old international communist Russian twisting and misrepresentation of issues to promote disillusion with America and radical action to disrupt American political and geopolitical decision....except the old prop op was aimed at twisting liberal thinking and the new op is aimed at twisting conservative thinking.
Thus, OPP is a most interesting political internet site. One caution about participating in OPP discussion--many exchanges are characterized by personal attack, rudeness, and even filthy language. My personal experience with the Russian propaganda operation included a posting August 2, 2014, of my wife's name, our street address, supposed church & pastor name, supposed botanical club, with threat to contact them with damaging info if I did not stop targeting the Patty posts. I learned the same day that another poster had had outside-the-forum actiion against his business from the Patty persona after a disagreement in discussion. I was suspended Aug. 3 from OPP "to protect you from harm." However, as of today, August 5, the threatening Patty is still posting the usual 5 or 6 topics per day (hasn't missed a day 150 days straight--836 topics, 9,300+ postings). So think twice before you post disagreeing with the Patty persona on OPP and be careful not to give personal info that might identify you and enable info search or computer hack.
why has my internet connection to been severed? Am I the only one or has the website been terminated? [email protected]
I've seen a lot of people come and go on the OPP for being too rude and threatening. I've been there since 2013. That's what happens on an open forum.
Farmer John
I totally agree with your assessment. Most of the members get passionate - and in my view, if they are not passionate, their agenda is not politics, but something else.
Indeed. If one is easily offended or looking to be coddled or wanting to engage in suave political sophistry this isn't the place.
This sounds a little Epoch Timesy. Am I wrong?
Why is truth labeled as "conservative propaganda"?