Graves Golf Academy Reviews

Graves Golf Academy
( 23 reviews )

Graves Golf Academy Customer Reviews

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September 2, 2017
These yahoos never let up. I have been trying to unsubscribe from then for nearly 10 years.. even calling them and begging not te receive there spam. But they use an out of control soamming service compoany so they don't really hgave control of the spamming they do. An irrespncible p ractice which should be illegal. The also don't answer directly the phone number in the spoam so as noit to deal with the fallout of this poractice. I am very close to flying to Oklahoma to give them a piece of my mind.. Actually seriously clo se to doing so because i can fly united for free.... spam you say? Most definatly! Uncontroled and irresponsible.

February 24, 2015

At 73 and with back problems, I decided to try and find a different approach to my traditional golf swing that would not continue to cause me undesirable back pain during and after every golf round. At the same time, I was hopeful that I might even be able to bring my handicap back to a consistent single digit as my swing restrictions that I had incorporated into my traditional swing to reduce the pain had not been helping my scores.

After considerable research into different schools I felt that the Moe Norman approach was worth a "test" try. Although getting the new "technique" down will take a lot of practice and patience, I realize that this approach will not only allow me to continue to play golf without the stress on my back, my scores should improve significant'tly. On the last day of the school, I hit more full practice shots than I had in the past 15 years and without adding any pain at the end of the session. Now it is back home to practice the technique and planning on going back to the school in a year for a 5 day training camp. While I am not saying this is the "Holy Grail" of Golf, it is certainly a better approach to the swing without creating the associated pain and stress on the lower back and leading leg. I am looking forward to putting this to use this season.... BTW, at one time (many moons ago) I was a +1 handicap. I think I can honestly get back to a 5 or 6 this season.

Stephen December 29, 2015

I have subscribed to the Moe swing from Graves and bought the video. I am working on the swing change and it takes a bit of getting used to but I'm hitting it straighter when I connect. I will keep going.

Be careful when you sign up to Graves as there is no way of stopping their membership after you sign on. I asked NOT to be included in the monthly subscription but they charged me for the first month. I've changed my Credit Card on the website but it reverts back to the original one, and their support team do not respond.

I am now on my way to the bank to change my credit card. It's a shame they behave like this as it has left a sour taste.

wendell little June 05, 2017

I purchased the training club after viewing the videos, after two weeks I have yet to receive the club or alignment aid. I have attempted to call them but have only reached a voicemail which promises to call you back. I have never spoken to anyone a Graves Golf Academy. I have received a bunch of emails tempting me purchase additional aids and videos. It's a rip off!

Excellent ! Game Changing
August 29, 2013

I'm 65 and had been struggling with my game for a number of years so I decided to do something about it. I had always heard about Moe Norman

and seen his swing on many occasions. I started buying a variety of CD's

about the golf swing and studied each one carefully and trying to implement their instruction. In my early 30-40's I was a single digit handicap and routinely shot in the mid to high 70's. For the last 5-10 years I struggled to break 90 and that was with a few mulligans. I played just really awful one day and really felt like a beginner, quite disgusting for a competitive guy like me. I decided to take the plastic wrapper of that off that Moe Norman Single Plane SOLUTION, I couldn't get any worse.

I literally watched the entire video, took a few notes, and went out by myself on the golf course late that afternoon to give it a shot. No practice and just a few practice swings trying to emulate that swing even though it felt a bit strange at first. My drive was straight and solid! I played 7 holes and hit the ball very solid although a few ugly shots did sneak in there. I'm sold because this is an easy swing to repeat and I can see myself improving rapidly. I was so motivated that I signed up for a club fitting with Cool Clubs in Arizona and just returned a few days ago. Weird looking or not this was an easy transition for me plus no tired back or shoulder after my 4 hour club fitting. It works for me.